18 Кастрычнік 2024
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Turkish armed forces hit the positions of the SDF/YPG in Hawshariyah and Tukhar villages in the north of Manbij with artillery fire.
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Абда Ібрагім аль-Харуні быў забіты невядомымі ў выніку абстрэлу ў горадзе Джалін на захад ад Дараа.
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Two civilians from Quneitra governorate were killed by unknown gunfire on the road between the cities of "Jassem - Nawa", north of Daraa
Heavy Turkish bombardment near Ayn Issa. Appears at least one vehicle has been destroyed2 рок таму
Heavy Turkish bombardment near Ayn Issa. Appears at least one vehicle has been destroyed
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A child was killed by the explosion of an explosive device from the remnants of previous bombing by the government on the outskirts of Shanan town in the southern countryside of Idlib
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A member of the government forces was killed and others were wounded by artillery shelling by the National Army targeting the outskirts of "Ain Issa" city, north of Raqqa Governorate
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Russian warplanes take turns to launch several air raids towards ISIS positions in the Athariya desert, west of Raqqa
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Two members of the government's police were killed and two others were wounded by gunfire targeting them near the international highway from the side of Dael city in the middle countryside of Daraa
Russian Air Force Antonov An-124 RA-82038 en route to Libya2 рок таму
Russian Air Force Antonov An-124 RA-82038 en route to Libya
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Closing the Bosphorus and Dardanelles straits to Russian warships poses a logistical problem for Russia in Syria
Sada Al-Sharqiya obtained a special photo of the burned tents as a result of last night's events in Al-Hol camp in Al-Hasakah countryside. Burned tents as a result of the clashes between armed groups affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS and the Asayish forces responsible for protecting the camp.2 рок таму
Sada Al-Sharqiya obtained a special photo of the burned tents as a result of last night's events in Al-Hol camp in Al-Hasakah countryside. Burned tents as a result of the clashes between armed groups affiliated with the terrorist organization ISIS and the Asayish forces responsible for protecting the camp.
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4 PKK/YPG militants preparing to attack the Peace Spring region were neutralized by the Turkish Armed Forces
An entire family of five people, including 3 children, was injured, one of them in critical condition, as a result of an explosion in a wood-burning heater in their house in the city of Atarib, west of Aleppo
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Ongoing security event in al Hol camp where the Asayîş have arrested an attempted suicide bomber and a lockdown has been imposed. Very serious
Сірыя: паўстанцы забілі сёння 1-га лейтэнанта з паўднёва-заходняй правінцыі Дамаск на фронце Ідліб
10:02: Darat Azza - a Russian warplane flying towards the northeast
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On charges of dealing with the Autonomous Administration previously, Turkish forces and opposition factions arrest two people from Syria's Afrin countryside
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The "Third Legion" of the National Army announces the killing of the member of its forces, "Yassin Ahmed Al-Hamad", as a result of the explosion of an explosive device in his car near the village of Raneen, south of the city of Suluk, north of Raqqa
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Al-Raqqa: The Syrian Democratic Forces arrest more than 40 young men at their military checkpoints in the city of Raqqa and transfer them to the compulsory recruitment camps
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Pro-Assad forces forces stationed in the area target with artillery shells the axes of Jabal Al-Zawiya, south of Idlib, coinciding with the flight of reconnaissance aircraft over the area
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Horan Free League - A regime military vehicle was targeted with an IED on the road between the city of Daraa and the town of Umm al-Mayathen, east of Daraa.
The international coalition forces are conducting military exercises in the Al-Omar oil field east of Deir Ezzor, which the forces take as their base, in conjunction with the flight of warplanes, and explosions were heard, likely resulting from the exercises.
Russian warplanes target the southern outskirts of the town of Maarat al-Naasan, east of Idlib city, with several air raids2 рок таму
Russian warplanes target the southern outskirts of the town of Maarat al-Naasan, east of Idlib city, with several air raids
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Eight students injured, as a result of shooting with a machine gun at the Mirkan School in Afrin
A civilian was wounded by a SAA sniper on the axis of the town of Kafr Noran in the western countryside of Aleppo
At dawn Jordanian forces thwarted an attempt by smugglers to cross the border from Syria. After clashes, they escaped leaving behind over 1 million Captagon pills, Hashish & weapons2 рок таму
At dawn Jordanian forces thwarted an attempt by smugglers to cross the border from Syria. After clashes, they escaped leaving behind over 1 million Captagon pills, Hashish & weapons
The Pro-Assad forces targeted an armored vehicle belonging to the TAF in the Atarib region, west of Aleppo. There were injuries in the attack. TAF struck the government positions with artillery fire as a retaliation.
Zaytoun Agency: an explosive device exploded in a car of a SDF commander in the city of Manbij in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
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Assad militia killed in a Russian raid in the Badia and an attack targeting 4 security checkpoints in Al-Sanamayn
A member of the SDF was killed and others were injured as a result of an armed attack targeting a military point in the town of Al-Sour, east of Deir Ezzor