4 Juillet 2024
2 semaine il y a
U.S. Central Command Airstrike in Syria Kills Senior ISIS Official. On June 16, U.S. Central Command conducted an airstrike in Syria, killing Usamah Jamal Muhammad Ibrahim al-Janabi, a senior ISIS official and facilitator. His death will disrupt ISIS’s ability to resource and conduct terror attacks
Syria: this morning Israeli drones carried out airstrikes on 2 military sites in Daraa & Quneitra province.A First Lieutenant from Latakia province was killed in those strikes2 semaine il y a
Syria: this morning Israeli drones carried out airstrikes on 2 military sites in Daraa & Quneitra province.A First Lieutenant from Latakia province was killed in those strikes
2 semaine il y a
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the Saida village on the Ayn Issa line with artillery fire.
2 semaine il y a
Israel announces the loss of a Skylark drone after it crashed over Quneitra province, South Syria
2 semaine il y a
Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting YPG positions on the Tel Temr line in the east of Ras al-Ayn.
2 semaine il y a
YPG militants stationed in Tal Rifaat shelled Al-Rahma camp in Afrin, killing 1 civilian
3 semaine il y a
Pro-Assad forces hit the villages of Abzimo, Kafr Amma and Kafr Taal in the west of Aleppo with artillery fire.
3 semaine il y a
A barrage of some 50 rockets were launched from Lebanon at the central Golan Heights a short while ago, the military says. Air defenses shot down several of the rockets, while the rest impacted open areas, the Israeli army adds
7 Israeli air strikes targeted sites in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. The Israeli air strikes targeted infrastructure of the Iran-linked Hezbollah group and an arms shipment coming from Syria3 semaine il y a
7 Israeli air strikes targeted sites in the Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border. The Israeli air strikes targeted infrastructure of the Iran-linked Hezbollah group and an arms shipment coming from Syria
3 semaine il y a
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the Boğaz village on the Areme line, west of Manbij, with artillery fire.
Interceptions sur le plateau du Golan3 semaine il y a
Interceptions sur le plateau du Golan
East Syria: Russian Air Force is conducting airstrikes every day vs alleged ISIS-held positions. Assad's forces still heavily rely on foreign help, including on the ground. And to cover up their failure, the usual Kremlin propaganda IS comes from Al-Tanf zone (~130 km from Bishri)3 semaine il y a
East Syria: Russian Air Force is conducting airstrikes every day vs alleged ISIS-held positions. Assad's forces still heavily rely on foreign help, including on the ground. And to cover up their failure, the usual Kremlin propaganda IS comes from Al-Tanf zone (~130 km from Bishri)
3 semaine il y a
Pro-Assad forces target with heavy artillery the Benin Forest in Jabal al-Zawiya
3 semaine il y a
Opposition groups are hitting Assad positions on the Ruwayha line in the south of Idlib
3 semaine il y a
Turkish Armed Forces hit the targets of the YPG in the village of Semuka on the Tel Rifat line with artillery fire.
4 semaine il y a
US Embassy in Beirut has closed for the day after a Syrian national wearing a vest with “IS” written on it opened fire at the entrance. The Lebanese Army shot and wounded the assailant
South Syria: several attacks targeted reconciled Rebels past ~24 hours in Daraa province: - one was shot dead yesterday in Tafas; - a leader of a local group  (who fought Assad forces in 2020) was killed today in Sanamayn in IED detonated in his house (2 men slain with him)4 semaine il y a
South Syria: several attacks targeted reconciled Rebels past ~24 hours in Daraa province: - one was shot dead yesterday in Tafas; - a leader of a local group (who fought Assad forces in 2020) was killed today in Sanamayn in IED detonated in his house (2 men slain with him)
4 semaine il y a
Jordanian Public Security: Thwarting a major drug smuggling operation that was on its way to one of the neighboring countries
4 semaine il y a
Aleppo Today correspondent: A demonstration took place in the city of Idlib demanding the departure of "Abu Muhammad al-Julani," the dissolution of the Public Security Service, and the release of detainees.
Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Miqdad receives in Damascus the acting Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Bagheri and the accompanying delegation.
Turkish drones target a military vehicle belonging to the SDF on the outskirts of the city of Ayn al-Arab, east of Aleppo
1 mois il y a
The Turkish Ministry of Defense announces the "neutralization" of 3 members of the YPG organization in the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria
Several pro-Assad forces members were killed in an Israeli air attack targeting military sites linked to Iran in the vicinity of the city of Aleppo, Syria
Pro-Assad artillery shelling targets the outskirts of the village of Maarblit, south of Idlib
1 mois il y a
Pro-Assad forces target with heavy artillery civilian homes in the village of Tadil, west of Aleppo
Pro-Assad forces target with a guided missile the vicinity of the town of Kafr Nuran, west of Aleppo
1 mois il y a
Pro-Assad forces intensively target the western countryside of Aleppo with heavy artillery
1 mois il y a
Assad's forces bombard with heavy artillery the surroundings of the villages of Kafr-Ama and Kafr-Ta'al in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria
1 mois il y a
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with mortar and artillery fire.
1 mois il y a
Syria: Rebels killed today this soldier on NE. Latakia front. He was from the E. Homs province