28 Berfanbar 2024
Li bajarê Minbicê wesayîteke bombebarkirî teqiya
Protest stand against the Israeli army's incursion into Quneitra Governorate in the city of Khan Arnabeh
A convoy of the Command of Military Operations is heading to the countryside of Hama to support the General Security Forces in maintaining security
Reportedly Turkish army convoy entered the town of Manbij
Hat ragihandin ku li gundên ser rêya Ebû Qelqel şer û pevçûn derket
Today an explosion was provoked by people cutting old air defense missiles (to recover and sell parts) in Homs-city, damaging several buildings.
Syrian Democratic Forces control Tishreen Dam, Qarqozak Bridge and surrounding areas
1 day ago
Wezîrê Enerjiyê yê Tirkiyê got: Enqere boriya petrolê bo Sûriyê difikire û wê bi boriya Iraq-Tirkiyê ve girêdide.
Fermandarê QSD`ê Ebdî diyar kir ku hêzên QSD`ê amade ne ku tev li artêşa nû ya Sûriyê bibin, dema ku formula guncaw were gotûbêjkirin. Wî her wiha amadebûna 'bi prensîb' ji bo veguheztina berpirsiyariyên ewlekariya sînor ji rayedarên nû yên Şamê re diyar kir.
Serokê Ukraynayê Zelensky: Wek ku soz dabû, em piştgiriya gelê Sûriyê di dema hewcedariya wan de dikin. 500 ton ardê genimê Ukraynayê di çarçoveya bernameya me ya mirovî ya "Gein Ji Ukraynayê" de bi hevkariya WFP berê xwe didin Sûriyeyê. Tê plankirin ku di hefteyên pêş de qata genim li ser 33 hezar û 250 malbatan ango 167 hezar kesî bê belavkirin. Giraniya her pakêtek 15 kîlo ye û dikare mehekê debara malbateke 5 kesî bike. Em ji Sûriye û gelê wê re ewlehî, aramî û başbûnê dixwazin. Em qîmeta van tiştan rast dizanin.
1 day ago
The Military Operations Department in Syria announces that it has arrested senior figures from the former regime in Tartous
The Military Operations Department launches a large-scale security campaign in the western Hama countryside to pursue the remnants of the ousted regime
Israeli airstrikes reported on the Lebanon-Syria border
Iranian Foreign Ministry: Tehran rejects accusations of interfering in Syria's affairs
Rêveberê Ragihandina QSD'ê Ferhad Şamî, li ser Bendava Tişrînê radigihîne: Em li vir in, wezereta şer a Tirkiyê derewan dike
Şervanên QSD'ê li rojavayê Bendava Tişrînê bi Hêzên Sûriyeya Demokratîk (HSD) re şer dikin
The Kurdish-led administration in northeast Syria (Northern Syria ) on Thursday called for protecting Syria’s diversity and plurality, a day after violent protests across several provinces over an alleged attack on an Alawite shrine in Aleppo province
Yesterday evening, the Military Operations Department carried out a raid campaign on a number of homes in the town of Al-Hamdan in the countryside of Al-Bukamal, east of Deir Ezzor, after spotting a truck of weapons that members of the 47th Regiment militia were trying to smuggle into Iraq
An Iraqi delegation headed by Hamid al-Shatri, head of the National Intelligence Service, met with officials of the new Syrian administration in Damascus, confirms Iraqi government spokesperson Basim al-Awadi. "The Iraqi delegation discussed developments on the Syrian scene and the requirements for security and stability on the common border between Iraq and Syria"
The Gulf Cooperation Council welcomes the decision to dissolve the factions in Syria and restrict the carrying of weapons to the state
2 day ago
Turkish Defense Ministry: Manbij and Tishrin Dam under the control of the Syrian National Army and allegations of Kurdish advances are untrue
Syrian Interior Ministry: We have started a campaign in areas of the Damascus countryside to withdraw illegal weapons
Syrian Interior Minister: Our forces will pursue those who refuse to hand over weapons throughout Syrian territory
2 day ago
Turkey has decided to allow parliament's pro-Kurdish party to hold talks with PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan on his island prison: Daily Sabah
2 day ago
Syrian Interior Ministry: 14 security personnel killed in clashes with former regime elements in Tartous countryside
Withdrawal of the Israeli army from Suwaysa to Al-Dawaya Al-Kabira in the Quneitra countryside, after popular protests against the incursions, and gunfire targeting demonstrators and wounding 7 people so far
Demonstrations in Jableh, Latakia and Tartous in protest against burning of shrine of founder of Alawite sect in Aleppo
Violent clashes erupt between the SNA and the SDF forces on the Tishreen Dam front in the Manbij countryside, east of Aleppo
The Turkish army bombards Tishreen Dam in the Aleppo countryside and the surrounding villages with artillery and missiles
Demonstrations in Qardaha in protest against the security chaos and attacks on the religious symbols and sanctities of the Alawite sect3 day ago
Demonstrations in Qardaha in protest against the security chaos and attacks on the religious symbols and sanctities of the Alawite sect