20 Septembris 2024
2 gads atpakaļ
The Turkish army targets with artillery shells the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces stationed near the city of Al-Bab, east of Aleppo
South Syria: tonight the Mayor and the Baath Party Secretary of Naima in E. Daraa were shot dead by gunmen in the town. Previous Mayor was killed by an IED 5 months ago
The Moscow Times vēstīja, ka Krievija sākusi izvest dažus savus spēkus no Sīrijas, lai pastiprinātu savu klātbūtni Ukrainā, un Irānas atbalstītie kaujinieki iekļuvuši vietās, no kurām Krievijas spēki bija atkāpušies.2 gads atpakaļ
The Moscow Times vēstīja, ka Krievija sākusi izvest dažus savus spēkus no Sīrijas, lai pastiprinātu savu klātbūtni Ukrainā, un Irānas atbalstītie kaujinieki iekļuvuši vietās, no kurām Krievijas spēki bija atkāpušies.
Syria: first footage showing the Russian-made Pantsir S-1 destroyed last week by Israel near Masyaf. Vehicle is totally destroyed2 gads atpakaļ
Syria: first footage showing the Russian-made Pantsir S-1 destroyed last week by Israel near Masyaf. Vehicle is totally destroyed
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A large deployment of security and military police elements in most of the neighborhoods of the city of Deir Ezzor under the control of the government, and the prevention of the passage of cars and motorcycles in some streets without knowing the reasons
Turkish artillery units are hitting PKK positions on the Ayn Isa line. Key points hit2 gads atpakaļ
Turkish artillery units are hitting PKK positions on the Ayn Isa line. Key points hit
The so-called "Ahmed Qastam al-Masalma", a member of the Military Security Branch, was killed and another wounded as a result of targeting a car carrying them with an explosive device in the city of Daraa
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The Syrian Civil Defense: the death of a civilian and the injury of two others seriously, when an agricultural tractor overturned on the road between Harem and Kafr Takharim in the northern countryside of Idlib
3 deaths, including a child, and a number of injuries in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation due to the dust storm that hit Deir Ezzor Governorate, Syria2 gads atpakaļ
3 deaths, including a child, and a number of injuries in addition to dozens of cases of suffocation due to the dust storm that hit Deir Ezzor Governorate, Syria
The entry of a UN aid convoy into Idlib, coming from the government areas, through the Tarnabah - Saraqib crossing. Idlib
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3 members of the Pro-Assad forces were injured as a result of the explosion of a landmine left over from the war in the town of Sukayk in the northeastern Hama countryside
Today, the government forces and Russia bombed a civilian house in Takaad village west of Aleppo with a guided missile, while the outskirts of Albarah village, south Idlib, were attacked with artillery shelling.  The teams responded and did not record any casualties2 gads atpakaļ
Today, the government forces and Russia bombed a civilian house in Takaad village west of Aleppo with a guided missile, while the outskirts of Albarah village, south Idlib, were attacked with artillery shelling. The teams responded and did not record any casualties
Private Israeli intelligence firm @ImageSatIntl publishes satellite images of a site in Masyaf, Syria, reportedly struck by Israel on Friday2 gads atpakaļ
Private Israeli intelligence firm @ImageSatIntl publishes satellite images of a site in Masyaf, Syria, reportedly struck by Israel on Friday
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A leader of the Future Syria Party says, the US decision to lift sanctions on the AANES-held areas has annoyed Turkey
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Asada atbalstošie spēki ar smago artilēriju mērķē uz Takādas pilsētu Alepo rietumu laukos.
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the positions of the SDF in the village of Tel Kırah, in the north of Aleppo, with artillery fire.
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Since the evening hours Turkey forces are shelling several villages in western of Kobane, Tal Tamir and Zirgane town
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PIJ has officially denied all reports claiming that one of its military leaders was assassinated in Syria. The group also denied the presence of a commander with the name mentioned in these reports
The members of the al-Kabisa tribe also took control of one of the points of the Deir Ezzor Military Council of the SDF near Al-Ray Bridge in the town of Al-Sabha, east of Deir Ezzor, and seized a military vehicle, a four-wheel drive pickup, in addition to several medium weapons from the elements of the barrier.2 gads atpakaļ
The members of the al-Kabisa tribe also took control of one of the points of the Deir Ezzor Military Council of the SDF near Al-Ray Bridge in the town of Al-Sabha, east of Deir Ezzor, and seized a military vehicle, a four-wheel drive pickup, in addition to several medium weapons from the elements of the barrier.
Syria: yesterday 6 Air Defense crew members were killed by Israel S. of Masyaf. A Russian-made Pantsir S-1 was also destroyed. A military Engineer among the fatalities (pics 2-3). Several wounded too from same unit (one of them in pic 4, shot in front of a Pantsir)2 gads atpakaļ
Syria: yesterday 6 Air Defense crew members were killed by Israel S. of Masyaf. A Russian-made Pantsir S-1 was also destroyed. A military Engineer among the fatalities (pics 2-3). Several wounded too from same unit (one of them in pic 4, shot in front of a Pantsir)
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A member of the SDF was killed and others were wounded during a security campaign by SDF in the village of Barshim, north of Deir Ezzor. The SDF brought in military reinforcements to the village after confrontations erupted between the residents of the village who rejected the inspection campaign and SDF members.
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions in the villages of Zawr Magar and Şeyhler, west of Kobane2 gads atpakaļ
Turkish artillery units hit SDF positions in the villages of Zawr Magar and Şeyhler, west of Kobane
Turkish forces bombard with heavy artillery military sites in the areas of influence of the Syrian Democratic Forces in the northern countryside of Aleppo
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Four Syrian soldiers and a civilian were killed and seven other civilians were injured in al-Wasta area due to a rocket attack, reported Syrian state media which blamed Israel
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The government's news agency, SANA, says that the air defense of the government forces confronted "targets" in the airspace of the Masyaf area in the western Hama countryside
Scenes of air defenses responding to targets in the Masyaf area2 gads atpakaļ
Scenes of air defenses responding to targets in the Masyaf area
The Syrian newspaper Al-Watan, which is affiliated with the government, reports that these are Israeli attacks2 gads atpakaļ
The Syrian newspaper Al-Watan, which is affiliated with the government, reports that these are Israeli attacks
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Initial reports of air defense active over Masyaf, Syria
Syrian rebels kill 10 pro-government fighters in country's north, deadliest such attack in years: monitor
Syria: many casualties among pro-Assad forces after Rebels blew up their vehicle with an ATGM on W. Aleppo front. Group hit was from Nubul-Zahraa