8 Lipiec 2024
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of Ma'rablit village in the southern countryside of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the town of Safuhan in the Idlib countryside
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad artillery shelling targets the village of Al-Fatira, south of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
USA wykorzystały sztuczną inteligencję do identyfikacji celów trafionych atakami powietrznymi na Bliskim Wschodzie. Według głównego specjalisty ds. technologii amerykańskiego Centralnego Dowództwa algorytmy uczenia maszynowego pomogły w zawężeniu celów dla ponad 85 ataków powietrznych 2 lutego
4 miesiąc temu
Assad's forces bombard with heavy artillery the town of Al-Fatira in the Idlib countryside
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery and mortars the villages of Kafr Nouran and Al-Asous, west of Aleppo.
Hezbollah mourns three fighters killed by Israeli action. The first two fighters, Hussein al-Dirani and Ahmed al-Aafi were reportedly killed in an Israeli airstrike near the Lebanon-Syria border4 miesiąc temu
Hezbollah mourns three fighters killed by Israeli action. The first two fighters, Hussein al-Dirani and Ahmed al-Aafi were reportedly killed in an Israeli airstrike near the Lebanon-Syria border
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Majdalia in the Idlib countryside
Pro-Assad artillery shelling targets the vicinity of the villages of Majdalia and Ma'rablit, south of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad forces bombard with mortar shells the outskirts of Kafr Amma village in the western countryside of Aleppo
Pro-Assad forces shelled with artillery the vicinity of the village of Maarblit in the southern countryside of Idlib
A truck was reportedly targeted in an Israeli airstrike near the Syrian town of Qusayr, close to the Lebanon border.
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Benin in the countryside of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the town of Maarat al-Na`san, east of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Kafr-Ta'al in the countryside of Aleppo
4 miesiąc temu
Artillery shelling by government forces on the village of Maarat Al-Naasan, east of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
Homs: 6 people were killed, including a member of the Damascus government forces, in an attack by ISIS militants on a group of truffle pickers, southeast of Jeb al-Jarrah in the eastern countryside of Homs
4 miesiąc temu
Artillery and missile shelling by Pro-Assad forces targeting the towns of Kafr Amma and Al-Qasr, west of Aleppo
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Afis in the Idlib countryside
4 miesiąc temu
An attack carried out by cells supported by the IRGC militias targeted SDF forces in the town of Abu Hamam (Al-Shuhaytat) in eastern Deir ez-Zur
4 miesiąc temu
Explosions sounded near the American base in the Al-Omar field in eastern Syria
Reports of Israeli bombing targeting the Dimas area, northwest of Damascus, and the sound of explosions being heard in the vicinity of the capital
4 miesiąc temu
Hearing explosions in the sky of Damascus
4 miesiąc temu
Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Fleifel in the countryside of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
A woman was injured as a result of pro-Assad forces artillery shelling targeting the town of Al-Bara, south of Idlib
4 miesiąc temu
Pro-Assad artillery shelling targets the outskirts of the town of Al-Bara, south of Idlib
Three Israeli guided missiles targeted an apartment inhabited by Iranian militias in a building behind an Iranian school in the Kafr Sousa neighborhood in Damascus, Syria. The bombing killed three people and injured eight others as a preliminary toll
4 miesiąc temu
Syrian sources: Two people were killed in the Israeli bombing of Damascus
SANA reporting an Israeli airstrike targeted the Kafr Sousa neighborhood of Damascus.Alleged Israeli strikes have targeted the neighborhood several times in the past.
Reports of explosions in Damascus4 miesiąc temu
Reports of explosions in Damascus