7 Ianuarie 2025
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Manbij: Violent clashes between the SNA and the SDF militias on the Tishreen Dam front
O mașină-bombă a explodat în orașul Manbij1 o săptămână înapoi
O mașină-bombă a explodat în orașul Manbij
Protest stand against the Israeli army's incursion into Quneitra Governorate in the city of Khan Arnabeh1 o săptămână înapoi
Protest stand against the Israeli army's incursion into Quneitra Governorate in the city of Khan Arnabeh
A convoy of the Command of Military Operations is heading to the countryside of Hama to support the General Security Forces in maintaining security1 o săptămână înapoi
A convoy of the Command of Military Operations is heading to the countryside of Hama to support the General Security Forces in maintaining security
Reportedly Turkish army convoy entered the town of Manbij1 o săptămână înapoi
Reportedly Turkish army convoy entered the town of Manbij
Ciocniri în satele de pe drumul Abu Qalqel între SDF și SNA susținută de Turcia, după încercarea SNA de a avansa1 o săptămână înapoi
Ciocniri în satele de pe drumul Abu Qalqel între SDF și SNA susținută de Turcia, după încercarea SNA de a avansa
Today an explosion was provoked by people cutting old air defense missiles (to recover and sell parts) in Homs-city, damaging several buildings.1 o săptămână înapoi
Today an explosion was provoked by people cutting old air defense missiles (to recover and sell parts) in Homs-city, damaging several buildings.
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Syrian Democratic Forces control Tishreen Dam, Qarqozak Bridge and surrounding areas
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Turkey’s energy minister said Ankara is considering an oil pipeline to Syria and connecting it to the Iraq-Turkey pipeline - Turkish media
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SDF commander Abdi stated that SDF forces are ready to integrate into the new Syrian army once a suitable formula is negotiated. He also expressed willingness in 'principle' to transfer border security responsibilities to the new authorities in Damascus
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Președintele Ucrainei Zelensky: După cum am promis, sprijinim poporul sirian în timpul de nevoie. 500 de tone de făină de grâu ucraineană sunt deja în drum spre Siria, ca parte a programului nostru umanitar „Grain From Ukraine", în cooperare cu PAM. Pardoseala de grâu este planificată să fie distribuită la 33.250 de familii sau 167.000 de persoane, în săptămânile următoare. Fiecare pachet cântărește 15 kilograme și poate hrăni o familie de cinci persoane timp de o lună. Dorim Siriei și oamenilor săi siguranță, stabilitate și redresare. Știm adevărata valoare a acestor lucruri.
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The Military Operations Department in Syria announces that it has arrested senior figures from the former regime in Tartous
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The Military Operations Department launches a large-scale security campaign in the western Hama countryside to pursue the remnants of the ousted regime
Israeli airstrikes reported on the Lebanon-Syria border1 o săptămână înapoi
Israeli airstrikes reported on the Lebanon-Syria border
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Iranian Foreign Ministry: Tehran rejects accusations of interfering in Syria's affairs
SDF Communications Director Farhad Shami reports on the Tisrin Dam: We are here, claims by Turkish Ministry of Defense are untrue1 o săptămână înapoi
SDF Communications Director Farhad Shami reports on the Tisrin Dam: We are here, claims by Turkish Ministry of Defense are untrue
SDF fighters clashing with the TFSA west of the Tishrin Dam1 o săptămână înapoi
SDF fighters clashing with the TFSA west of the Tishrin Dam
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The Kurdish-led administration in northeast Syria (Northern Syria ) on Thursday called for protecting Syria’s diversity and plurality, a day after violent protests across several provinces over an alleged attack on an Alawite shrine in Aleppo province
Yesterday evening, the Military Operations Department carried out a raid campaign on a number of homes in the town of Al-Hamdan in the countryside of Al-Bukamal, east of Deir Ezzor, after spotting a truck of weapons that members of the 47th Regiment militia were trying to smuggle into Iraq1 o săptămână înapoi
Yesterday evening, the Military Operations Department carried out a raid campaign on a number of homes in the town of Al-Hamdan in the countryside of Al-Bukamal, east of Deir Ezzor, after spotting a truck of weapons that members of the 47th Regiment militia were trying to smuggle into Iraq
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An Iraqi delegation headed by Hamid al-Shatri, head of the National Intelligence Service, met with officials of the new Syrian administration in Damascus, confirms Iraqi government spokesperson Basim al-Awadi. "The Iraqi delegation discussed developments on the Syrian scene and the requirements for security and stability on the common border between Iraq and Syria"
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The Gulf Cooperation Council welcomes the decision to dissolve the factions in Syria and restrict the carrying of weapons to the state
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Turkish Defense Ministry: Manbij and Tishrin Dam under the control of the Syrian National Army and allegations of Kurdish advances are untrue
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Syrian Interior Ministry: We have started a campaign in areas of the Damascus countryside to withdraw illegal weapons
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Syrian Interior Minister: Our forces will pursue those who refuse to hand over weapons throughout Syrian territory
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Turkey has decided to allow parliament's pro-Kurdish party to hold talks with PKK leader Abdullah Ocalan on his island prison: Daily Sabah
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Syrian Interior Ministry: 14 security personnel killed in clashes with former regime elements in Tartous countryside
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Withdrawal of the Israeli army from Suwaysa to Al-Dawaya Al-Kabira in the Quneitra countryside, after popular protests against the incursions, and gunfire targeting demonstrators and wounding 7 people so far
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Demonstrations in Jableh, Latakia and Tartous in protest against burning of shrine of founder of Alawite sect in Aleppo
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Violent clashes erupt between the SNA and the SDF forces on the Tishreen Dam front in the Manbij countryside, east of Aleppo
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The Turkish army bombards Tishreen Dam in the Aleppo countryside and the surrounding villages with artillery and missiles