2 Июль 2024
A nurse was killed, and a doctor and a driver sustained severe burns, all of them from the medical staff of Binnish City Hospital, following an attack by government forces with two targeted missile strikes on a civilian car on the Binnish-Tafasna road east of Idlib, today, Monday8 месяц назад
A nurse was killed, and a doctor and a driver sustained severe burns, all of them from the medical staff of Binnish City Hospital, following an attack by government forces with two targeted missile strikes on a civilian car on the Binnish-Tafasna road east of Idlib, today, Monday
Deir ez-Zur: SDF forces sent reinforcements to the towns of the eastern countryside of Deir ez-zor
Idlib: A medical vehicle was targeted near a Turkish military base in Taftanaz Airport, eastern countryside of Idlib, killing and wounding 3 people8 месяц назад
Idlib: A medical vehicle was targeted near a Turkish military base in Taftanaz Airport, eastern countryside of Idlib, killing and wounding 3 people
8 месяц назад
Israeli missiles hit the military hill of Al-Jamou' in the western countryside of Daraa, where Iranian militias are stationed
After the unknown airstrikes on Albukamal, another rocket attack on Al-Omar Oilfield, eastern Syria
8 месяц назад
Significant explosions reported near Albukamal, Deir Ez Zor, Syria on the Iraq border
8 месяц назад
The Israeli army says it has identified several launches from Syria. The projectiles fell in open areas and the Israeli army is responding
8 месяц назад
Russian air strikes targeting the vicinity of the village of "Kafr-Din" in the Idlib countryside
8 месяц назад
Russian warplanes bombard with missiles the town of "Basanqul" in the Idlib countryside
The SDF announces the killing of 19 militants affiliated with the Pro-Assad forces in clashes that ensued after an attack by the militants on SDF-held areas in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor Governorate, eastern Syria at Diban, Abu Hardoub and Abu Hamam
A U.S. military official tells @FoxNews that there was a drone attack today at al-Shaddadi base in Syria BUT there were NO casualties or damage to infrastructure, according to U.S. official
Iran-backed "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" announces targeting Shaddadi coalition base in Syria with 2 UAVs
Assad's forces and Russia bombard with heavy artillery the surroundings of the towns of Kansafra, Safuhan, and Kafr-Aweid in the southern countryside of Idlib, Syria8 месяц назад
Assad's forces and Russia bombard with heavy artillery the surroundings of the towns of Kansafra, Safuhan, and "Kafr-Aweid" in the southern countryside of Idlib, Syria
8 месяц назад
Russian warplanes bombard with missiles the vicinity of the town of "Al-Ghassaniyah" in the western countryside of Idlib
8 месяц назад
Russian air strikes target the "Douir al-Akrad" area, west of Hama
8 месяц назад
Raqqa: An ISIS cell was busted in the city of Raqqa, during joint SDF-US operation. The Terror cell was working on transferring intelligence information
Overnight the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iranian-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the US base of al-Tanf, in southern Syria8 месяц назад
Overnight the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iranian-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the US base of al-Tanf, in southern Syria
8 месяц назад
Biden: We are ready to take further measures after the attacks by Iran-linked groups against American forces
8 месяц назад
Russian air strikes targeting the Jabal al-Arbaeen area in the Idlib countryside
8 месяц назад
Artillery shells were fired from South-West Daraa countryside (Yarmuk Basin) towards Golan
Two large explosions were heard in the vicinity of the Al-Omar oil field base, east of Deir ez-Zur
8 месяц назад
Initial report of rocket strike on Conico field, Deir Ez Zur
8 месяц назад
The White House: Washington is not interested in entering into a conflict with Iran
8 месяц назад
Kirby: American military operations in Syria and Iraq are aimed at preventing future attacks
8 месяц назад
Israeli Army Radio: Missiles fired from Lebanon towards Israel landed in Syrian territory
Iranian Tasnim News Agency reports that 10 missiles struck the US military base in the Al-Omar field in eastern Syria following U.S. threats to Iran
8 месяц назад
Protests continue in Suwayda Governorate, southern Syria. The demonstrators are demanding the overthrow of Assad and his government, freedom and democracy
8 месяц назад
A US official tells the US is not looking into evacuating any bases in Iraq or Syria despite what rumors might be flying around
8 месяц назад
Jets again heading towards Idlib
8 месяц назад
Assad's forces intensively target the village of Al-Fatira, south of Idlib, with heavy artillery