6 Ekim 2024
1 yıl önce
TSK, Ayn İsa hattında bulunan terör örgütü YPG mevzilerini topçu atışları ile vurdu
Askeri teçhizatın ülkesine geri gönderilmesi: @USTreasury yaptırımı SC SOUTH LLC'ye ait, kendisi de GÜNEY'e bağlı olduğu için yaptırım uygulanan Rusya bandıralı Sparta IV gemisi, askeri kargo taşıyarak Tartus'tan Novorossiysk'e giderken Boğaz'dan Karadeniz'e geçti1 yıl önce
Askeri teçhizatın ülkesine geri gönderilmesi: @USTreasury yaptırımı SC SOUTH LLC'ye ait, kendisi de GÜNEY'e bağlı olduğu için yaptırım uygulanan Rusya bandıralı Sparta IV gemisi, askeri kargo taşıyarak Tartus'tan Novorossiysk'e giderken Boğaz'dan Karadeniz'e geçti
1 yıl önce
Exchange of artillery shelling on the axes of the northern countryside of Latakia and the western Hama, between the Syrian opposition and the Pro-Assad forces forces
Tunisian Foreign Ministry: The Tunisian Foreign Minister and his Syrian counterpart confirm, during a phone call, the desire to return diplomatic relations between the two countries to their normal track
1 yıl önce
The head of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley has arrived into the areas under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces in Syria, and is conducting meetings there
1 yıl önce
Army General Mark Milley told reporters traveling with him that he believed US troops and their Kurdish-led Syrian partners were making progress at ensuring a lasting defeat of the Islamic State group
1 yıl önce
UN sends a humanitarian aid convoy of 16 trucks to areas held by the HTS in northwest Syria for people impacted by the February 6 earthquake
1 yıl önce
ABD Merkez Kuvvetler Komutanlığı (CENTCOM):Şubat ayında Suriye'de DAEŞ örgütüne yönelik 15 müşterek operasyon gerçekleştirdik. Bu operasyonlarda 5 DAEŞ teröristi öldürüldü,11 terörist de sağ olarak ele geçirildi
1 yıl önce
Rakka kuzeyindeki Ayn İsa hattında mayına basan 2 PKK'lı terörist öldü
5 civilians sustained burns and breathing issues after another fire broke out after midnight in the Bab al-Salama camp in the Azaz countryside, north of Aleppo. 6 tents were completely burned down and 4 others were partially damaged.
Pro-Assad forces shelled with artillery the villages of Kansafra and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiya, south of Idlib1 yıl önce
Pro-Assad forces shelled with artillery the villages of Kansafra and Al-Bara in Jabal Al-Zawiya, south of Idlib
Delhi: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds talks with Turkiye Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu1 yıl önce
Delhi: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holds talks with Turkiye Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu
The US is "concerned" that a threatened Turkish military operation in northern Syria would detract Kurdish forces from the fight against ISIS - Senior US official told Rudaw's @JBechocha during an online press briefing on Tuesday
Injuries due to armed family fighting in the city of Al-Bab in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
1 yıl önce
Milli Savunma Bakanı Akar, Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremlerin ardından yaklaşık 42 bin Suriyelinin gönüllü olarak ülkesine döndüğünü bildirdi
1 yıl önce
Pro-Assad forces bombard the town of Fleifel, south of Idlib, Syria
Pro-Assad forces shelled with artillery the vicinity of the town of Afes, east of Idlib
Idlib: Artillery shelling by pro-Assad forces in the vicinity of the town of Neirab in the eastern countryside
An administrator at the Tishreen Dam, northern Syria, says the water level on the dam's reservoir is only 30 cm away from reaching "dead level", which would make the dam inoperative and cut off electricity to the region
Assad army targets the main road between Idlib and Bab Al Hawa that leads to many camps1 yıl önce
Assad army targets the main road between Idlib and Bab Al Hawa that leads to many camps
1 yıl önce
The Turkish army bombed military sites of the SDF in Ain Issa, in the countryside of Raqqa
Pro-Assad forces, stationed at the surrounding checkpoints, bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Kefraya in the northern countryside of Idlib
Artillery shelling from pro-Assad forces targets the vicinity of the village of Kefraya in the northern countryside of Idlib
A car blasts in the city of Hasakah
Shoukry conveys a "message of solidarity and support" from Egypt to Syria after the great earthquake
The arrival of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Sameh Shoukry, at Damascus International Airport
1 yıl önce
Unidentified gunmen target a checkpoint of the SDF forces in the town of "Albu Hardoub" east of Deir Ezzor, resulting in one death and a number of injuries in the ranks of the SDF
Today in South Syria: - An IED destroyed a vehicle in Sahnayah (S. Damascus). No casualties, target unclear - An IED targeted a State Security armored vehicle on Jassem-Inkhil road, wounding 5 government elements
The International Coalition sends a military convoy to its bases in Al-Hasakah
Rus FSB, Suriye'de HTŞ'yi finanse ettiğinden şüphelenilen 5 kişiyi gözaltına aldı