20 days agoAn international coalition aircraft launched an airstrike on a target near the town of Batbu, south of Sarmada.
20 days agoAl-Sharaa: We will focus in the coming period on building strong state institutions free of corruption and bribery, achieving civil peace, and pursuing those who shed Syrian blood.
20 days agoAhmed Sharaa in short first speech since taking the post yesterday: Says he is not a ruler but a servant; Will form an inclusive government from across Syria's diverse communities; Will announce a preparatory committee for national dialogue conference
20 days agoAl-Sharaa in a speech: Syria was liberated from a criminal regime. Syria was liberated thanks to the sacrifices of all Syrians inside and outside. We open a new chapter in the history of Syria
20 days agoЗіткнення відбуваються між SNA і SDF на лінії Дейр Хафір на схід від Манбіджа
20 days agoSenate Intelligence Committee confirmation hearing for Tulsi Gabbard to serve as US Director of National Intelligence. Tulsi Gabbard: "I just hate al-Qaida. I hate that we have leaders who cozy up to Islamist extremists, minimizing them to so-called rebels" per Gabbard. Says Syria is now controlled by an al-Qaida offshoot and a leader who "danced in the streets" on 9-11
20 days agoQatari Foreign Ministry: Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs discussed with Iranian Foreign Minister in Doha the situation in Gaza and Syria
20 days agoЗбройні сили Туреччини вдарили артилерійським вогнем по цілях SDF в селі Ум-Бараміль на лінії Айн-Ісса.
21 days agoQatari Emir arrives in the capital Damascus on an official visit to the Syrian Arab Republic, and was receieved by Ahmed Al-Shara, President of the Syrian Arab Republic
21 days agoThe President of the State of Qatar arrives in the Syrian capital, Damascus
21 days agoВійськова делегація високого рівня Міністерства оборони Туреччини зустрілася з новим керівництвом сирійської армії
21 days agoПротестувальники біля дамби Тішрін: Захист дамби є відповідальністю всіх сирійських компонентів
21 days agoPictures from the activities of the conference announcing the victory of the Syrian revolution and the inauguration of Al-Shara as president of the country
21 days agoColonel Hassan Abdul Ghani: We announce the assumption of the leadership of Mr. "Ahmed Al-Sharaa" as the president of the country in the transitional phase, and he will carry out the duties of the presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic, and represent it in international forums. Victory Conference
21 days agoColonel Hassan Abdul Ghani: We announce the dissolution of the Arab Socialist Baath Party, the parties of the National Progressive Front, and all affiliated organizations, institutions, and committees. It is prohibited to reconstitute them under any other name, and all their assets must return to the Syrian state
21 days agoInauguration of Ahmed al-Sharaa as President of the Syrian Arab Republic for the transitional period and dissolution of the security services, the Baath Party, the army and the People's Assembly
21 days agoSpokesman for the Military Operations Department, Colonel Hassan Abdul Ghani: We declare the victory of the great Syrian revolution, and consider the eighth of December of each year a national day
21 days agoColonel Hassan Abdul Ghani: We announce the dissolution of all security agencies affiliated with the defunct regime, with their various branches and names, and all the militias it established, and the formation of a new security institution to preserve the security of citizens.
21 days agoSyria: Transitional period extended for another three months
21 days agoMilitary Commander Ahmed Issa Al-Sheikh: We must work to build a new Syria, and this will only happen through solidarity, compassion, and sympathy, and by being like one body.
21 days agoSyrian Foreign Minister: We will continue to strengthen Syria's relations with neighboring countries
21 days agoSyrian Foreign Minister: In the Arab region in particular, our region suffers from a legacy burdened by conflicts, and we will try in our foreign policy to work to reduce this tension and establish peace, so that Syria can lead an effective role in that endeavor
21 days agoForeign Minister Asaad Al-Sheibani: We have succeeded in drawing a decent Syrian identity that expresses the aspirations of our people, and establishes a country based on freedom, justice and dignity, and in which everyone feels love for the homeland, belonging, giving and sacrifice.
21 days agoSyrian military factions have agreed to appoint Ahmed Al-Sharaa as president of the transitional phase, Sky News in Arabic reports
21 days agoVictory speech from inside the conference announcing the victory of the Syrian revolution, with a large presence from the factions of the Military Operations Administration and the forces of the Syrian revolution
21 days agoТурецькі військові літаки завдали ударів по цілях SDF на лінії Саррін на південь від Айн-аль-Араб
21 days agoВ результаті турецького авіаудару по Кобані загинуло 2 мирних жителя і кілька поранено. Внаслідок авіаудару по житловому будинку стався вибух дизельного генератора
21 days agoSyrian leader Ahmed Sharaa meets with US-backed Free Syrian Army commanders
21 days agoSyrian administration are moving towards postponing the National Conference
22 days agoТурецькі безпілотники нанесли авіаудар по місту Айн-аль-Араб/Кобані
22 days agoБПЛА збройних сил Туреччини вразили цілі SDF в районах Тішрін-Табка-Кераме
22 days agoIsraeli Defense Minister, Israel Katz, confirmed that "the Israeli forces that took control of strategic sites in southern Syria after the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime will remain on Mount Hermon indefinitely."
22 days agoТурецькі авіаудари з безпілотника завдали удару по штабу ополчення SDF у місті Аль-Карама на схід від Ракки
22 days agoSyrian Finance Minister Mohammed Abazeed discussed his country's financial position and potential sanctions relief in his first meeting with European Union officials on Wednesday
22 days agoReuters: Syrian leader Ahmed al-Sharaa asked Moscow to hand over Bashar Assad
22 days agoМешканці міста Кобані на півночі Сирії протестують проти нападу Туреччини на мирних жителів у місті Сіррін, що призвело до понад 10 жертв
22 days agoВнаслідок удару турецького безпілотника в Сирії по овочевому ринку в Сірріні на південь від Кобані загинули 8 мирних жителів, у тому числі діти, і ще 20 отримали поранення. Медичні джерела підтверджують серйозні втрати