5 Кастрычнік 2024
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Шэйх Мухамед бен Заід і Асад пацвярджаюць тэрытарыяльную цэласнасць Сірыі і важнасць вываду замежных войскаў
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Шэйх Мухамед бен Рашыд шчыра жадае Асаду бяспекі і міру ў Сірыі
Mohammed bin Rashid receives Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Dubai2 рок таму
Mohammed bin Rashid receives Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Dubai
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Dead and wounded members of the SDF forces, as a result of artillery and missile shelling by the Turkish-backed Syrian opposition, targeting the vicinity of the town of Tal Tamr, north of Hasaka
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Artillery and missile shelling by the Pro-Assad forces stationed in the area targets opposition movements on the Maarat al-Naasan axis in the northern countryside of Idlib
The killing of the young man, "Mohammed Al-Khalayfa", a former member of the opposition factions, was shot dead by unknown persons in the town of "Al-Karak Al-Sharqi" in the countryside of Daraa
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Начальнік цэнтральнага камандавання ЗША Фрэнк Макензі заявіў, што Расея не бачыць намаганняў Расеі накіраваць групу Вагнера і замежных баевікоў з Сірыі ва Украіну
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U.S. has seen increased Russian bomber activity in Western Syria since the war in Ukraine began three weeks ago: U.S. Central Command chief Frank McKenzie
A demonstration in the city of Al-Shuhail, east of Deir Ezzor, in commemoration of the Syrian revolution, with the flags of the Syrian opposition raised in areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces.
Demonstration in front of the Omari Mosque in Daraa on the 11th anniversary of the Syrian revolution Photographed by: Aleppo Today correspondent2 рок таму
Demonstration in front of the Omari Mosque in Daraa on the 11th anniversary of the Syrian revolution Photographed by: Aleppo Today correspondent
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Турэцкія войскі і апазіцыйныя групы на працягу дня працягвалі бамбіць вёску Аль-Хашарыя ў Сірыі, у выніку чаго чатыры чалавекі былі параненыя.
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Head of Jassim town Council assassinated in Daraa countryside
E. Syria: a soldier was killed today after ISIS targeted his vehicle in S. Palmyra desert. He was from Raqqa province2 рок таму
E. Syria: a soldier was killed today after ISIS targeted his vehicle in S. Palmyra desert. He was from Raqqa province
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Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the outskirts of the town of Kafr Taal in the western countryside of Aleppo
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Targeting two military patrols of the government forces east of Daraa
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Камандзір CENTCOM Макензі: "Мы не бачылі патоку байцоў з Блізкага Усходу ва Украіну", "Мы не бачылі гэтага з Сірыі. І мы вельмі ўважліва глядзім на гэта", "Але гэта можа змяніцца", - сказаў ён.
Daraa: The death of a girl, succumbed to injuries she sustained as a result of the explosion of a landmine left by Assad forces in the city of al-Sanamayn in the northern countryside
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A Turkish drone targeted a car in Houshan, near Ayn Issa, yesterday. No casualties were reported. Houshan was later shelled from Turkish-controlled territory. This is the 20th drone attack on NES in 2022. At least 7 people have been killed & 17 injured by these attacks
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Dozens of shells fell on the village of al-Hoshan and the M4 highway in Syria's Ain_Issa by the Turkish forces, causing damage to the villagers' property
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A member of the government forces was killed in Syria's Daraa by unknown assailants
An IRGC fighter was burned to death two days ago in circumstances, which took place near positions in the south of T2 station. Daesh is believed to be responsible for the attack. He is from Aleppo
An IED explosion claimed lives of two Pro-Assad forces members in Syria's Deir_ez_Zor
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ISIS fighters attacked a military vehicle of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near the Sijan oil field in the desert of Deir ez-Zor, The attack resulted in the injury of four members of the SDF forces, and they were later transferred to the hospital
An American, French, German, Italian, and British statement calls on the Pro-Assad forces to stop targeting its own people
South Syria: clashes erupted today in Jassem (N. Daraa) after State Security launched a raid. An armor was destroyed with a RPG. Multiple dead & wounded. SAA brought in reinforcements2 рок таму
South Syria: clashes erupted today in Jassem (N. Daraa) after State Security launched a raid. An armor was destroyed with a RPG. Multiple dead & wounded. SAA brought in reinforcements
Shivan Selmo, SDF Commander in Sheddadi, confirmed to @Northern Syria IC that 1,200 ISIS prisoners have been transferred from al-Kam Prison in Sheddadi to prisons in the Heseke area as a security precaution. The transfer was accompanied by scores of military & security forces, Selmo said
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Ahrar Houran Gathering: Clashes renewed in Jasim city after the government brought in military reinforcements consisting of tanks and Shilka vehicles
A little while ago, the Russian warplanes launched a missile that exploded in the air in the sky of the village of Bazabour in the southern countryside of Idlib2 рок таму
A little while ago, the Russian warplanes launched a missile that exploded in the air in the sky of the village of Bazabour in the southern countryside of Idlib
Syria: the commander of (Christian) NDF in Suqaylbiyah in N. Hama announces his readiness to go to fight in Ukraine, when Russia will order it. Nabeel Al-Abdallah has personal ties with Russian Generals in Kheimimim Airbase
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The Turkish-backed Syrian opposition factions target with artillery and missiles the positions of the SDF forces in the vicinity of the town of Tal Tamr, north of Al-Hasakah