16 September 2024
2 year ago
ISIS fighters attacked a military vehicle of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) near the Sijan oil field in the desert of Deir ez-Zor, The attack resulted in the injury of four members of the SDF forces, and they were later transferred to the hospital
An American, French, German, Italian, and British statement calls on the Pro-Assad forces to stop targeting its own people
South Syria: clashes erupted today in Jassem (N. Daraa) after State Security launched a raid. An armor was destroyed with a RPG. Multiple dead & wounded. SAA brought in reinforcements
Shivan Selmo, SDF Commander in Sheddadi, confirmed to @Northern Syria IC that 1,200 ISIS prisoners have been transferred from al-Kam Prison in Sheddadi to prisons in the Heseke area as a security precaution. The transfer was accompanied by scores of military & security forces, Selmo said
Ahrar Houran Gathering: Clashes renewed in Jasim city after the government brought in military reinforcements consisting of tanks and Shilka vehicles
A little while ago, the Russian warplanes launched a missile that exploded in the air in the sky of the village of Bazabour in the southern countryside of Idlib
Syria: the commander of (Christian) NDF in Suqaylbiyah in N. Hama announces his readiness to go to fight in Ukraine, when Russia will order it. Nabeel Al-Abdallah has personal ties with Russian Generals in Kheimimim Airbase
2 year ago
The Turkish-backed Syrian opposition factions target with artillery and missiles the positions of the SDF forces in the vicinity of the town of Tal Tamr, north of Al-Hasakah
RuAF Su-34 was spotted today over Greater Idlib amidst 2nd day of intense aerial activities in NW. Syria2 year ago
RuAF Su-34 was spotted today over Greater Idlib amidst 2nd day of intense aerial activities in NW. Syria
Russian-Turkish troops conducted the 93rd joint patrol in the western countryside of Syria's Kobani
The Iranian militias declare a state of alert, in the ranks of their brigades in the town of Ayash, west of Deir Ezzor, and abandon some of their positions in the fields, and take down their flags and banners from the headquarters, in anticipation of a possible US response, after the Guard militias adopted targeting the American consulate in Kurdistan, Iraq the day before yesterday
The Pro-Assad forces's TV and Radio Center page published news that mercenaries in the ranks of the Russian forces in the Ukrainian invasion to be paid an estimated monthly amount of 1500 euros and food allowance
2 year ago
Shelling from Turkish forces targeted the village of Hiesha, 15km east of Ayn Issa, injuring 3 children - Khalaf Jasim al-Firej (15), Awad Jasim al-Firej (14), & Mahir Newash 'Inezan (10)
2 year ago
Via Turkish airspace. Inbound Latakia Air Base, Syria flag-ruflag-ru Russian Air Force IL76 RA78830 RFF211
ISIS claims, through its official identifiers, two separate attacks targeting SDF checkpoints in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor
2 year ago
Flag-trflag-tr Turkey @RTErdogan still allowing Russian military over flights Inbound Latakia Air Base, Syria flag-trflag-ru Russian Navy Tu154 RF85856
2 year ago
Anti-ISIS campaign Security forces raid tents in Al-Hawl camp amid flight by Coalition helicopters
Saudi Arabia executes 81 men, including 7 Yemenis and 1 Syrian, following sentences on terror-related charges: State news agency
Syrian Civil Defense: One person was killed and 2 others injured, when 3 fuel tankers exploded at the Al-Hamran crossing near the Jarabulus area in the eastern countryside of Aleppo
Jordanian Customs: thwarting the smuggling of a shipment of Captagon narcotic pills in two trucks coming from Syria through the Jaber border post2 year ago
Jordanian Customs: thwarting the smuggling of a shipment of "Captagon" narcotic pills in two trucks coming from Syria through the "Jaber" border post
4 ISIS suspects were arrested in Manbij this week. The Manbij Military Council stated that this cell was responsible for a bombing that killed women & children. The MMC alleged that the cell's leader resided in Jarablus
2 year ago
RFF201 - Out from Latakia Air Base, Syria, heading into Turkish airspace on a Russian Air Force callsign. flag-ruflag-ru Russian Government Tu154 RA85843
Russian Special Flight Squadron Tu-154 en route to Damascus
The Russian "Zvezda" channel broadcasts a video clip that says that the preparations of the Assad government's army to move and fight alongside the Russian army in Ukraine
Former opposition member killed in Syria's Daraa, amid unprecedented state of insecurity and daily killings
A building in Binnish that had been previously bombed by Russian fighter jets collapsed as a result of heavy rains causing its structure to weaken. No casualties were reported
2 year ago
Islamic State confirmed the death of its leader Abu Ibrahim Al-hashemi Al-Quraishi on Thursday and announced Abu Al-Hassan Al-hashemi Al-Quraishi as its new leader.
A landmine explosion in the Al-Tanf border area, especially A resident of Al-Rukban camp for displaced Syrians in the 55 km Al-Tanf area border area was seriously injured as a result of the explosion of a landmine planted by the Pro-Assad forces forces and Iranian militias.2 year ago
A landmine explosion in the Al-Tanf border area, especially A resident of Al-Rukban camp for displaced Syrians in the 55 km "Al-Tanf area" border area was seriously injured as a result of the explosion of a landmine planted by the Pro-Assad forces forces and Iranian militias.
Russian forces bring reinforcements to the city of Qamishli in northeastern Syria, including 13 logistic trucks, armored vehicles, heavy weapons, and two Sukhoi aircraft
Pro-Assad forces on the opposite bank of the Euphrates River shelled the Shheel town in east of Deirezzor, causing damage to the houses of Ahmed Al-Shaman and Hamod Al-Shaman. No civilian casualties were reported