5 Октобар 2024
SecDef Austin says US intel attributes the drone that killed the American & wounded others in Syria to be of Iranian origin. 2 of the wounded were treated on site, while 3 additional service members & the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to Iraq. Statement:1 године Пре
SecDef Austin says US intel attributes the drone that killed the American & wounded others in Syria to be "of Iranian origin." 2 of the wounded were treated on site, while 3 additional service members & the U.S. contractor were medically evacuated to Iraq. Statement:
1 године Пре
Local sources: Pro-Iranian militias bombed a base of US forces in the Al-Omar field, east of Deir-ez-Zor
1 године Пре
Intensive flight of helicopters and warplanes of the International Coalition forces over the Al-Omar oil field and the SDF-controlled areas in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor "Dhiban-Al-Basira-Al-Shuhail" opposite the areas controlled by Assad's forces and Iranian militias in Al-Mayadin and its countryside east of Deir Ezzor (Al-Shamiya region).
Deir Ezzor Theban: One of the missiles launched by the Iranian militias from their areas of control in Al-Mayadin towards the Al-Omar oil field fell in the house of Eid Al-Kairan in the town of Theban, east of Deir Ezzor.1 године Пре
Deir Ezzor Theban: One of the missiles launched by the Iranian militias from their areas of control in Al-Mayadin towards the Al-Omar oil field fell in the house of Eid Al-Kairan in the town of Theban, east of Deir Ezzor.
1 године Пре
U.S. air chief: Armed Russian jets have flown over American base in Syria 25 times in March
Israeli army says a military drone crashed in Syria during a "routine operation." No fear of information leaking, the Israeli army adds.
Young man Mazen Hassan Al-Bardan was killed by unknown gunmen in the city of Tafas in the countryside of Daraa1 године Пре
Young man "Mazen Hassan Al-Bardan" was killed by unknown gunmen in the city of "Tafas" in the countryside of Daraa
1 године Пре
Syrian state media says Israel struck the Aleppo Airport early this morning, causing damage
VIDEO: Large explosions reported at Aleppo Airport and Nairab Military Airport in Syria. Israel likely conducting strikes1 године Пре
VIDEO: Large explosions reported at Aleppo Airport and Nairab Military Airport in Syria. Israel likely conducting strikes
1 године Пре
Afrin: Local sources confirmed that Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), took full control over Cindirês town, and expelled "Jaysh al-Sharqiya and Ahrar al-Sharqiya" militants, including the local council
Arrest of the perpetrators of the Jandires crime and their transfer to the military police in Afrin1 године Пре
Arrest of the perpetrators of the Jandires crime and their transfer to the military police in Afrin
1 године Пре
Kurdistan PM @masrourbarzani has strongly condemned the killing of four Kurds in Syrian Kurdistan's Jindiris while celebrating Newroz, calling for justice and holding the responsible to account. SDF previously said a militia leader of Ahrar Al-Sham was responsible
Families of the Jenderes victims gathered to attend the funeral of the victims and demand retribution from the killers of their sons1 године Пре
Families of the Jenderes victims gathered to attend the funeral of the victims and demand retribution from the killers of their sons
1 године Пре
UAE President @MohamedBinZayed described his talks with Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad as "constructive", noting that both discussed "enhancing cooperation to accelerate stability and progress in Syria and the region
1 године Пре
Unconfirmed reports in Gaza: Hamas and PIJ officials abroad went into hiding after this mornings assassination of the PIJ official in Damascus
President Assad has landed in the UAE for an official visit1 године Пре
President Assad has landed in the UAE for an official visit
1 године Пре
Председник Украјине Зеленски рекао је да су руске бомбе уништиле сиријске градове на исти начин као и украјинске градове. „Ова некажњивост је значајан део тренутне агресивности Кремља"
1 године Пре
Today, Friday, March 17th, in the eastern countryside of Idlib, Syria the village of Afes was hit by heavy machine gun fire from government forces and Russia, causing injuries to a child
SDF announces nine of its fighters have been killed in two helicopter crash while on their way to the KRI
1 године Пре
Big demonstrations are taking place now in the cities and towns of the rebels-controlled north of Syria, to commemorate the twelfth anniversary of the Syrian revolution
Idlib Last night, HTS carried out a raid against SAA forces in the area close to al-Fatatira. Despite the heavy clashes that ensued, not a single inghimasi member got apparently killed1 године Пре
Idlib Last night, HTS carried out a raid against SAA forces in the area close to al-Fatatira. Despite the heavy clashes that ensued, not a single inghimasi member got apparently killed
Russia seeking permanent basing in Syria, per @CENTCOM's Gen Kurilla Putin also seeking to take advantage of "perceived decline in US engagement" in central Asian states, he adds
1 године Пре
Turkish sources: the postponement of the four-way meeting that was scheduled for today in Moscow at the level of deputy foreign ministers of Turkey, Syria, Russia and Iran
1 године Пре
Putin and Assad hold talks in the Kremlin
Crowds massing in Idlib today to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Syrian revolution1 године Пре
Crowds massing in Idlib today to celebrate the 12th anniversary of the Syrian revolution
1 године Пре
The entry of a Turkish military convoy comprising dozens of military vehicles and armored vehicles from the Bab al-Hawa border crossing with Turkey towards the depth of Idlib governorate, amidst a security alert by Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham in the region
1 године Пре
Башар Асад је допутовао у Москву у званичну посету како би се сутра састао са Путином
1 године Пре
Aleppo Syrian Civil Defense: A person was killed when an explosive device exploded in his car near the "Resistance" camp on the Shamrakh-Bresha road in the northern countryside
Two 107mm rockets targeted Coalition Forces east of Deir Ezzor, Syria1 године Пре
Two 107mm rockets targeted Coalition Forces east of Deir Ezzor, Syria
1 године Пре
D24: Five fighters of Asud Sharqiya militia were killed in circumstances in the Masrab desert in the western Deir ez-Zur countryside