12 Јули 2024
7 месец Пре
12:12: Sarmin - a reconnaissance drone circling over the area
7 месец Пре
Citizen Laeqa Sarhan, 80 years old, was killed and her granddaughter Alaa Al-Qasim (Syrian national) was injured as a result of their house in the town of Kafr Kila being targeted by an Israeli missile
7 месец Пре
11:20: Jabal al-Turkman - a reconnaissance drone circling over the area
7 месец Пре
10:20: Al Zarayah - a reconnaissance drone circling overhead
Pro-Assad forces target with artillery the town of Kafr Nouran in the western countryside of Aleppo
7 месец Пре
Pro-Assad forces bombard with artillery the vicinity of the town of Majdalia in the Idlib countryside, Syria
7 месец Пре
Turkish artillery shelling targets SDF positions in the village of Aoun Al-Dadat in the Manbij countryside, east of Aleppo
7 месец Пре
Assad and Russian forces bomb residential neighborhoods in the town of Sarmin in the Idlib countryside, Syria. There are civilians wounded, including a child
7 месец Пре
A defense official tells there have been multiple attacks against US forces in Syria today that have resulted in multiple minor injuries. We're now at more than SIXTY attacks on US forces in Iraq & Syria in one month
7 месец Пре
Assad forces target with heavy artillery the vicinity of the town of Kansafra, south of Idlib
7 месец Пре
Turkey announces the neutralization of the "ideological official of the People's Protection Units" during an intelligence operation in northern Syria
Syrian air defenses respond to Israeli strikes in the Damascus area a while ago7 месец Пре
Syrian air defenses respond to Israeli strikes in the Damascus area a while ago
7 месец Пре
President of the International Court of Justice: The Assad government boycotted the sessions of the International Court of Justice in the case brought against it
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For the first time, an international court has looked into violations committed in Syria during 12 years of conflict - Reuters
8 месец Пре
France has issued an arrest warrant for Syria’s President Al-Assad over the 2013 Chemical Attacks
Two launches detected from Syria towards the Golan, they reportedly failed. Israeli army retaliating against the source of the fire
8 месец Пре
Another multi-rocket attack targeted US forces at MSS Euphrates in Syria today; 1 came within ~0.5km of base. No casualties or damage, a defense official tells VOA
Initial report of rocket strike on Conico field, Syria
Syrian women inside a protest in the city of Suwayda, southern Syria. They demand the departure of the dictator Bashar al-Assad and his government
Last night Al-Omar oil field base east of Deir ez-Zur has been targeted by Iranian militias located west of the Euphrates River
The White House: If Iranian proxies continue to target U.S. forces, we will respond
The White House: We do not seek a confrontation with Iran, but we must weaken its Revolutionary Guard
Al-Nujaba militias enter Deir ez-Zur from Iraq and are deployed in the cities of Al-Mayadin and Al-Bukamal
8 месец Пре
Iranian militias have targeted the Kharab Al-Jir military base in northern Syria (Al-Hasakah province) with a number of rockets
Overnight, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iran-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the Green Village, a US outpost in eastern Syria8 месец Пре
Overnight, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iran-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the Green Village, a US outpost in eastern Syria
U.S. reinforcements are heading from the Rumailan base in Hasakah to the Al-Omar and Conico bases
Assad's forces target with heavy artillery the vicinity of the town of Kafr Noran, west of Aleppo
8 месец Пре
A drone attack on an American base in Al-Hasakah
8 месец Пре
Austin: The American strikes in eastern Syria aim to weaken the groups responsible for attacks against American forces
8 месец Пре
Iranian militia attacked U.S. Conico base with advanced Grad missiles