7 Mart 2025
2 yıl önce
TSK, Haseke'nin Amude bölgesindeki Harze ve Haniki köyleri ile Kamışlı'ya bağlı Tel Zivan ve Sergika köylerinde bulunan terör örgütü YPG mevzilerini topçu atışları ile vurdu
North Press correspondent citing a military source as saying, a woman was wounded and a child girl died in a Turkish shelling of the village of Shalloumiyah in Qahtaniyah town east of NE_Syria's Qamishli
SDF drone fell down on the farms of al-Malikiya, Azaz, northern Aleppo2 yıl önce
SDF drone fell down on the farms of al-Malikiya, Azaz, northern Aleppo
An armed drone of the Turkish army has targeted an area close to the Jiyan-Covid 19 hospital in northern of Qamishlo: Casualties reported (ANHA)2 yıl önce
An armed drone of the Turkish army has targeted an area close to the Jiyan-Covid 19 hospital in northern of Qamishlo: Casualties reported (ANHA)
2 yıl önce
Türkiye's 4th drill ship Abdulhamid Han to embark from Mediterranean port of Tasucu with ceremony attended by President Erdogan
2 yıl önce
The Artillery and Rocket regiment of the National Liberation Front targets a military barracks of pro-Assad forces on the Khan al-Sabil axis, south of Idlib, with heavy artillery, and inflicting casualties.
Four people were killed and three wounded in a shelling on the outskirts of Qamishli city in northeast Syria near border with Turkey2 yıl önce
Four people were killed and three wounded in a shelling on the outskirts of Qamishli city in northeast Syria near border with Turkey
"General Security" in Idlib announces the launch of a campaign against "agents of the government".
2 yıl önce
Deir Ezzor: The lieutenant in Assad's forces, "Basil Badi' Al-Hanuni," was killed by an explosive device explosion in the southern Badia region
2 yıl önce
Erdogan: Soon we will unite the rings of the security belt by clearing the last areas in which the YPG organization is present in Syria
Hama: Esad güçleri, Al-Ghab Ovası'ndaki Al-Ankawi, Qalidin, Al-Laj, Kahire, Al-Hamidiyah, Al-Duqmaq ve Al-Zaqoum köylerini ağır toplarla bombaladı.
TSK, Kamışlı'ya bağlı Tel Zivan köyünde bulunan terör örgütü YPG mevzilerini yeniden vurdu2 yıl önce
TSK, Kamışlı'ya bağlı Tel Zivan köyünde bulunan terör örgütü YPG mevzilerini yeniden vurdu
Two dead and wounded when an explosive device exploded inside a house east of Daraa
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri Resulayn doğusundaki Ebu Rasin beldesinde bulunan bir baz istasyonunu imha etti. Teröristler bu istasyona yerleştirdikleri kameralar vasıtasıyla üs bölgelerini izliyordu
2 yıl önce
Pro-Assad forces bombard with artillery the villages of Al-Sahn and Jadraya, southwest of Idlib, Syria
2 yıl önce
Pro-Assad forces bombard the villages of Al-Ankawi and Al-Zaqqum, west of Hama, Syria
2 yıl önce
The leader of the "Sheikhs of Dignity" faction, Laith Al-Balous, and a number of religious and social figures meet a Russian delegation in the town of Al-Mazraa in the western countryside of As-Suwayda.
The Turkish army targets with artillery shells the positions and points of the SDF forces in the villages of Khanka and Jarnka Kharazah channel in the countryside of Amuda, north of Hasaka, with Turkish reconnaissance aircraft flying over the region2 yıl önce
The Turkish army targets with artillery shells the positions and points of the SDF forces in the villages of Khanka and Jarnka Kharazah channel in the countryside of Amuda, north of Hasaka, with Turkish reconnaissance aircraft flying over the region
2 yıl önce
Kuzey ve Doğu Suriye'ye yönelik devam eden Türk saldırıları: Türkiye bu sabah Dirbespiye'nin batısındaki Çeteliye köyünü ve Amude kasabasının (ANHA) batısındaki Xanika köyünü ağır toplarla hedef alıyor.
2 yıl önce
Suriye Ordusu'nun, Hama/Gab ovasında düzenlediği atgm saldırısında; Türkistan islam partisine üye 5 militan öldürüldü
2 yıl önce
Milli Savunma Bakanlığı: Zeytin Dalı ve Barış Pınarı bölgelerine taciz ateşi açan ve saldırı girişiminde bulunan 13 PKK/YPG'li terörist başarılı bir operasyonla etkisiz hale getirildi
4x Turkish UAVs circling over #Syria
South Syria: an Assad's soldier from a reconciled area (Ruhaybah, E. Qalamoun) killed while trying to subdue another reconciled area (Tafas, Daraa). This is the first document fatality coming from clashes around Tafas
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Putin ile görüşmek için Soçi'ye gitti.
2 yıl önce
WFP convoy returns to Aleppo after delivering assistance to WFP warehouses in Sarmada yesterday. The assistance will be distributed to more than 43,000 people in north-western Syria
2 yıl önce
Seven members of the government forces were killed and wounded in an attack by ISIS cells on a military point near the "Jahar" gas field, west of Palmyra
Aleppo: Artillery shelling targets the city of Azaz in the northern countryside, originating from the areas of the Syrian Democratic Forces
Reporter: SDF targets the vicinity of Marea city with missiles
örgütü YPG, Azez ve Mare kasabası çevresini füzelerle vurdu. TSK misilleme olarak Şeyh İsa'daki bölücü örgüt mevzilerini topçu atışları ile vurdu
Tel_Rifaat: 7 civilians, including 5 children, were injured as result of Turkish suicide-drone attack in the city center of Tel-Rifaat