27 July 2024
Turkish forces bombarded a village in the northern countryside of Syria's Aleppo
The YPG announced that Ekrem Üstek (53), a well-known figure originally from Şırnak, was killed by the Turkish drone strike on a car south of Kobane this morning. Üstek spent 13 years in a Turkish prison before crossing into NES in 2014 to defend Kobane from ISIS
Russian warplanes launched air strikes today, Wednesday, May 11, targeting the vicinity of Benin village, south of Idlib, without recording casualties - The White Helmets
The fire broke out in Al-Shaghour locality on the first floor of a 4-storey building, which led to the death of the family yesterday, Tuesday
Assad's forces bombard with heavy artillery the outskirts of the town of Kafr Noran in the western countryside Aleppo
Quneitra: Israel targets the headquarters of the Hezbollah in Jabbatha al-Khashab in the northern countryside of Quneitra. This is the second targeting in several hours, and without a response from the Hezbollah
Israel targets Hezbollah and Pro-Assad forces sites twice within hours in Quneitra
Russian air strikes target the outskirts of Shanan village in the southern Idlib countryside
2 drone strikes targeted the city of Kobane this morning. According to initial reports, the first attack took place on the main road south of the city & the second within the city center. A Turkish drone continues to fly over the city. No casualty numbers have yet been reported
Mazloum Abdi said, Turkey aims, by returning refugees to northern Syria, to achieve a demographic change in the region.
Helicopters over the city of Al-Shuhail, east of Deir Ezzor, and the Al-Omar oil field, with the presence of drones
2 year ago
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards militias have completely control the road connecting the governorates of "Homs - Damascus".
In an armed attack, a citizen was killed and 3 women were wounded in the eastern countryside of Daraa
2 year ago
Russian-Turkish forces run the 97th joint patrol in Syria's Kobani countryside
The IRGC militias of the Revolutionary Guards have evacuated all their headquarters in Deir ez-Zor, Al-Mayadin, and Al-Bukamal, for an unknown reason, mostly because of fear of targeting by coalition aircraft @coalition
2 year ago
Khamenei: Some countries that had joined the front against Syria during the past few years are expressing friendship today. The path in the future should be based on past experiences
2 year ago
Khamenei: The bond and the relationship between Iran and Syria are vital to both countries, and we should not let these relations weaken. Rather, we should strengthen them as much as possible
2 year ago
Khamenei: Martyr Soleimani was particularly zealous about Syria & truly made sacrifices. His manner in Syria was no different from during Iran's 8-year Sacred Defense. He & other prominent members of the IRGC such as Martyr Hamedani viewed the issue of Syria as a duty & holy obligation
2 year ago
Khamenei: Various factors contributed to Syria's victory in the international war, one of the most important of which was your (Mr. Bashar Assad's) strong spirit. God willing, you can reconstruct the ruins caused by the war with that same spirit, because great tasks await you
2 year ago
Khamenei: The Syrian ppl's & govt's resistance & victory in an international war has increased Syria's credibility. Syria today isn't the same as before the war. Although this destruction didn't exist then, Syria's credibility is much more now & everyone views this country as a power
2 year ago
Khamenei: Mr. Bashar Assad, President of Syria, traveled to Tehran and met with Imam Khamenei this morning
Iranian outlets report that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad visit Tehran and met with Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Ebrahim Raisi
Opposition factions bombard with artillery the positions of the pro-Assad forces near the village of Al-Malaja, south of Idlib
Pro-Assad forces bombard with artillery the surroundings of the towns of Sufuhun, Qaqafin and Kansafra in Jabal Al-Zawiya, south of Idlib, Syria
Daraa: Two children killed by a cluster bomb left over from the war
Ten people, including civilians, were killed in the city of "Al-Sayeda Zainab", south of Damascus, as a result of clashes between members of Pakistani militia loyal to the government, following a material dispute between them
The Iranian militias are responding to the bombing of their sites in Hatla and Hawija Sakr in Deir Ezzor, and they are bombing the Al-Maamal area, the town of Al-Izba and Al-Muazila with mortars and rockets, which are under the control of the SDF forces, and kilometers from the Koniko field, which is under the control of the international coalition forces.
Air raids of the International Coalition on Hawija Sakr in the city of Deir Ezzor. The two raids came near the Russian dirt bridge that connects Deir Ezzor to the town of Hatla
Russian aircraft carry out a raid with air-to-air missiles in the sky of Jabal Al-Zawiya in Idlib countryside
Syria: a rare ATGM (Kornet) fired by Rebels destroyed a tank hidden inside a building on Jebal Zawiyah front (S. Idlib)