2 July 2024
1 year ago
Moscow supports the idea of ​​organizing a meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Syria, and is ready to provide its platform if necessary, says Russian Foreign Ministry. — Ria Novosti
A suspect was shot by Israeli army troops after approaching the Syrian border in the central Golan Heights, taken to the Ziv hospital in Safed in moderate condition
U.S. forces in Syria investigating 'failed' rocket attack targeting American base at Green Village Sunday night. Three 107mm rockets fired at base. A fourth rocket along with rocket tubes found 3 miles away: CENTCOM
Syria: Turkish MoD released video of heavy airstrikes on positions used to strike TSK border post E. of AinArab/Kobane (one Turkish soldier killed). Same tactics used to bomb Afrin or Al-Bab: MLRS fired from territory jointly held by SDF/YPG & SAA1 year ago
Syria: Turkish MoD released video of heavy airstrikes on positions used to strike TSK border post E. of AinArab/Kobane (one Turkish soldier killed). Same tactics used to bomb Afrin or Al-Bab: MLRS fired from territory jointly held by SDF/YPG & SAA
1 year ago
According to the Şanlıurfa governor's statement, a soldier was killed and another soldier was wounded in the attack carried out on the TSK border post from the joint point of the Assad government and the PKK/YPG. The government does not have the strength to fight the YPG, although it has the strength, it has no intention. It shouldn't be hard to understand
1 year ago
Military factions target with mortar shells the positions of the government forces on the "46th regiment" axis, west of Aleppo
1 year ago
The artillery and missile regiment of the "National Front for Liberation" targets the positions of pro-Assad forces on the axis of the western countryside of Aleppo with heavy artillery, in response to their targeting of the Al-Atarib area with artillery
Today, Saturday, September 17, Russian warplanes launched air strikes targeting two stone-cutting machines on the outskirts of the village of Hafsarja, west of Idlib, injuring a worker, and raids loaded with cluster ammunition targeted forests in the area1 year ago
Today, Saturday, September 17, Russian warplanes launched air strikes targeting two stone-cutting machines on the outskirts of the village of Hafsarja, west of Idlib, injuring a worker, and raids loaded with cluster ammunition targeted forests in the area
Citing a military source, the state-run SANA news agency says 5 Syrian soldiers killed in the Israeli airstrike on Damascus International Airport and another site south of the capital
Unconfirmed reports suggest site in al-Kiswah and another near Damascus International Airport targeted in airstrike
A number of shells and missiles fell on the vicinity of the Turkish military base near the city of Azaz, north of Aleppo, from the SDF forces stationed in the area
The body of an elderly man who was killed as a result of several blows to the head and stab wounds to his body was found in the town of Atman, north of Daraa.
1 year ago
Hamas has announced a restoration of ties with Syria's Assad government
Clashes between the two banks of the Euphrates River between SDF forces in Al-Sabha station, east of Deir Ezzor, and members of the Assad government and Iranian militias on the opposite bank. The SDF used shells and heavy machine guns towards pro-Assad forces, while bringing in SDF reinforcements towards the Al-Sabha station.
ISIS escapee who killed two Asayish members in Manbij city, north Syria, and escaped, was arrested
Two unidentified bodies were found near the town of "Tal Shehab" in the western countryside of Daraa.
1 year ago
4 members of the "Liwa al-Quds" militia were killed and two others were wounded in an attack by unknown gunmen targeting a military patrol in the Palmyra desert, east of Homs.
SDF forces target with heavy artillery the Turkish point in the village of Maryamin, north of Aleppo
Defense Minister Gantz reveals a map of military facilities across Syria he alleges are used to manufacture precision missiles by Iran for Hezbollah
1 year ago
North Press correspondent citing a military source as saying, Turkish forces target two villages west of Tel_Tamr town in NE_Syria with heavy weapons
1 year ago
Turkish Ministry of Defense: Neutralizing two members of the Syrian Democratic Forces who tried to attack the Spring of Peace area in northeastern Syria
Military Police clash with Ahrar Al-Sham faction in Jarablus city over arresting drug promoters
PM Lapid on Israeli strikes in Syria: "Israel is working to prevent Iran from establishing terrorist bases throughout the Middle East and especially in Syria. I want to emphasize from here, Israel will not allow Syria to be used as an axis for the transfer of weapons to terrorist organizations, and will not accept the establishment of Iranian bases or militia bases on our northern border."
Images inside the Syrian Fifth sector in Al-Hol camp after the end of the inspection campaign carried out by the Asayish forces during the past two days. The photos show the bulldozing and demolition operations carried out by the security forces for a large number of the camp during the campaign.1 year ago
Images inside the Syrian Fifth sector in Al-Hol camp after the end of the inspection campaign carried out by the Asayish forces during the past two days. The photos show the bulldozing and demolition operations carried out by the security forces for a large number of the camp during the campaign.
South Syria: 2 reconciled Rebels accused of drug trafficking were shot dead yesterday night by gunmen in center of Jassem (N. Daraa)
U.S. Central Command:Statement from General Michael Erik Kurilla on visiting the al-Hol Camp1 year ago
U.S. Central Command:Statement from General Michael "Erik" Kurilla on visiting the al-Hol Camp
1 year ago
Increasing Turkish attacks on TalTamir tonight: The villages Tal Tawil, Tawila and Gozeliye in western of the town are being targeted with heavy artillery by Turkey and groups
U.S. Central Command Commander General Michael Erik Kurilla on Friday visited Syria's al-Hol camp, and underlined that most durable solution is for countries of origin to repatriate, rehabilitate, and reintegrate their citizens from Al-Hol1 year ago
U.S. Central Command Commander General Michael "Erik" Kurilla on Friday visited Syria's al-Hol camp, and underlined that "most durable solution is for countries of origin to repatriate, rehabilitate, and reintegrate their citizens" from Al-Hol
Syria: a First Lieutenant wounded by Rebel artillery/ATGM last night on Idlib front is the brother of Quneitra's Baath Secretary. Severely injured, he's in Homs Military Hospital
1 year ago
Turkish drones launch an air raid on a military site of the SDF on the M4 international road in the vicinity of Al-Taweelah village, west of Tel Tamer district, north of Hasaka