2 July 2024
Explosion heard in the Damascus area
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the village of Shavarga on the Tel Rifat line
Russian Ministry of Defense: on June 29, from 11:00 to 11:05, over the village of Es-Sukhneh, Homs province, at altitudes from 7.5 thousand to 8.5 thousand meters, there was once again a dangerous approach of the MQ-9 "Reaper" unmanned aerial vehicle "coalition" with the Su-35 aircraft of the Russian Aerospace Forces
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions on the Sayyada line in the west of Manbij with artillery fire
2 day ago
Turkish Ministry of Defense: 10 members of the Kurdistan Workers' Party were killed by air strikes in northern Iraq and Syria
Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Al-Ankawi in the Hama countryside, Syria
Turkish Armed Forces artillery units are hitting PKK targets in Tel Cuma and Um Keyf villages east of Ras al-Ayn.
Turkish Armed Forces made a shipment to the Aynel Arab border line
Turkish military bases in the Afrin region target SDF sites
Erdogan says there is no obstacle for establishing relations with Syria’s Assad. “Turkey doesn’t have any intention to interfere with Syria’s domestic affairs,” he said. “We can come together with Assad as we did in the past as a family”3 day ago
Erdogan says there is no obstacle for establishing relations with Syria’s Assad. “Turkey doesn’t have any intention to interfere with Syria’s domestic affairs,” he said. “We can come together with Assad as we did in the past as a family”
3 day ago
Pro-Assad forces indiscriminately targeted the town of Marat al-Naasan in eastern Idlib with heavy artillery
Pro-Assad forces artillery shelling targets the outskirts of the town of Benin, south of Idlib
Syria: at 11:40PM Israel carried out airstrikes on area of S. Zeinab (SEastern Damascus).A Foundation ("Jihad Al-Bina") under Hezbollah control was bombed.2 were killed: a Syrian Hezbollah fighter from Nubul-Zahraa & a woman.A radar was also destroyed in Suwayda province
UAE Foreign Minister met Syrian Foreign Minister, discussed strengthening bilateral relations: WAM
Unidentified gunmen kill two intelligence members of the Pro-Assad forces and a civilian, in two separate attacks, in Daraa Governorate, southern Syria
Syrian military source, at approximately 23:40 on June 26, the Israeli army launched an air attack from the direction of the Golan Heights, targeting a number of points in the southern region. Our air defense media responded to the aggression's missiles and shot down some of them. The aggression led to the death of two people, the injury of a soldier, and some material losses.
Explosions and Air Defense Activity reported over the Syrian Capital of Damascus
Druze Officials found a deal with Damascus to end crisis in Suwayda. The checkpoint, source of the clashes, will be turned into a military position.Compromise for both parties: no backtrack by SAA & no controls & inspections as originally planned (refused by the residents)
5 day ago
Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 7 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria were neutralized.
6 day ago
The Jordanian Army: We thwarted a drug infiltration and smuggling operation from Syria
Turkish bases target with heavy artillery SDF positions in Maranaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo at midnight
The MQ-9 Reaper UAV of the U.S. coalition came dangerously close to the Su-34 of the Russian Aerospace Forces in Syria, - Deputy Head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties, Major General Yuri Popov
6 day ago
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the towns of Kafr Amma and Taqad, west of Aleppo
6 day ago
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in Kalota village in the south of Afrin with artillery fire.
Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the village of Kafr-Aweid in the Idlib countryside, Syria
6 day ago
Assad forces target with heavy artillery the vicinity of the villages of Zayzoun and Al-Surmaniyah in the Al-Ghab Plain, west of Hama.
A violent explosion on the outskirts of Al-Baath City on the border with the Golan
Israeli raids target the outskirts of the city of Al-Baath in the Quneitra Governorate, southern Syria
Assad forces target with two FPV drones a civilian car and a house in the town of Majdalia near Jabal al-Arbaeen, south of Idlib, Syria
Turkish Armed Forces sent reinforcements to the Jabal Zawiye region in southern Idlib