2 أكتوبر 2024
5 الشهر منذ
Pro-Assad's forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Benin in the Idlib countryside
Assad's forces and Russia bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of Kafr-Nouran in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria
5 الشهر منذ
إعلام إيراني: وزير الخارجية يزور دمشق الإثنين لبحث تداعيات الهجوم على القنصلية الإيرانية
South Syria: infighting this morning between 2 pro-Assad groups (one affiliated with the Military Intelligence & the other with the State Security) in town of Sanamayn (N. Daraa). Casualties reported
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إطلاق رشقة ثانية من ١٠ صواريخ من جنوب لبنان باتجاه إصبع الجليل والجولان السوري المحتل
وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي: المنظومة الدفاعية مستعدة للرد على أي سيناريو في المواجهة مع إيران
وزير الدفاع الإسرائيلي في نهاية تقييم أمني: مستعدون للرد على أي سيناريو في مواجهة إيران
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وزارة الدفاع التركية تعلن “تحييد” 4 عناصر من PKK,YPG في منطقة "درع الفرات" شمال سوريا
5 الشهر منذ
المرصد السوري: الدفاعات الجوية السورية تتصدى لأهداف مجهولة جنوبي دمشق
Sounds of explosions heard in Damascus, information indicates the detection of spy balloons north of Damascus
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4 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria were neutralized
East Syria: ISIS launched last night an attack near Maadan Atiq (SE. Raqqa desert), reaching the N4 Highway. At least 2 pro-Assad fighters were killed. Pace of IS attacks increased, despite regular RuAF & SyAF airstrikes5 الشهر منذ
East Syria: ISIS launched last night an attack near Maadan Atiq (SE. Raqqa desert), reaching the N4 Highway. At least 2 pro-Assad fighters were killed. Pace of IS attacks increased, despite regular RuAF & SyAF airstrikes
5 الشهر منذ
Iran's army chief says that US was involved in the attack on its consulate in Damascus, despite Washington clear rejections of these accusation
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مصادر العربية: داعش يشن هجوما على محاور عدة في ريف دير الزور شمال شرقي سوريا
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مسؤول أميركي: أميركا في حالة تأهب قصوى تحسبا لرد إيراني على غارة إسرائيلية في دمشق
الخابور الرقة تنظـ.ـيم داعـ.ـش يشن هجـ.ـوماً على مواقع قـ.ـوات النـ.ـظام في مدينة معدان عتيق تزامناً مع سماع دوي انفجارات بالقرب من منطقة القوس غرب ديرالزور5 الشهر منذ
الخابور الرقة تنظـ.ـيم داعـ.ـش يشن هجـ.ـوماً على مواقع قـ.ـوات النـ.ـظام في مدينة معدان عتيق تزامناً مع سماع دوي انفجارات بالقرب من منطقة القوس غرب ديرالزور
5 الشهر منذ
US has picked up intelligence that Iran is planning a retaliatory attack against Israel that would include a swarm of Shaheed loitering drones and cruise missiles.  Officials say the timing and target are unknown, but a proportional response to the Damascus attack would be to hit an Israeli diplomatic facility. The attack is likely to come between now and the end of Ramadan next week
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Syria: Rebels carried out tonight a new drone attack over city of Aleppo
قوات النظام تستهدف بصاروخ موجه سيارة مدنية أمام منزل سكني بمحيط مدينة دارة عزة غربي حلب
5 الشهر منذ
قوات النظام تقصف بالمدفعية الثقيلة والهاون قريتي الواسطة و القصر غربي حلب. حلب سوريا
6 الشهر منذ
Turkish Intelligence 'neutralizes' Sorhin Cele, a senior operative of PKK/YPG-YPJ organization, in Ayn al-Arab, Syria
28 Israeli diplomatic missions across the world were closed due to fears of Iran ian revenge after the attack in Damascus
6 الشهر منذ
قوات النظام تقصف بالمدفعية الثقيلة قرية مكلبيس غربي حلب .(مراسل راديو الكل ) حلب سوريا
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Iran's Foreign Minister @Amirabdolahian said in a phone call with EU Foreign Policy Chief @JosepBorrellF, “European authorities always call on Iran to show self-restraint. This is while Israel, by violating int’l laws and regulations, has attacked a diplomatic site which must enjoy full immunity under the Vienna Convention."
The Israeli army says that it has bolstered and called up reservists for its air defense array, following a fresh assessment
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Iran's UN envoy Zahra Ershadi told the Security Council briefing on Israel's strike against Iran's consulate in Damascus, "Iran has exercised considerable restraint, but it's imperative to acknowledge that there are limits to such forbearance. The occupying regime (of Israel) must bear full responsibility for its consequences. Iran reserves its legitimate and inherent right under international law and the United Nations Charter to take a decisive response to such reprehensible acts."
Russia's UN envoy told the Security Council's briefing on the Israeli airstrike on Iran's Damascus consulate, We consider any attacks on diplomatic and consular premises the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the relevant Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1963 to be categorically unacceptable. This is not the first attack carried out by Israel in densely populated areas of Damascus, which generated high risks of mass casualties of civilians. Such aggressive actions by Israel are designed to further fuel the conflict. They're absolutely unacceptable and must stop. We urge West Jerusalem to abandon the practice of provocative acts against Syria and other areas.6 الشهر منذ
Russia's UN envoy told the Security Council's briefing on the Israeli airstrike on Iran's Damascus consulate, "We consider any attacks on diplomatic and consular premises the inviolability of which is guaranteed by the relevant Vienna Conventions of 1961 and 1963 to be categorically unacceptable. This is not the first attack carried out by Israel in densely populated areas of Damascus, which generated high risks of mass casualties of civilians. Such aggressive actions by Israel are designed to further fuel the conflict. They're absolutely unacceptable and must stop. We urge West Jerusalem to abandon the practice of provocative acts against Syria and other areas."
6 الشهر منذ
UNSC members now discussing Israel’s attack on Iran’s consulate in Damascus
Iran President Raisi had a phone call with Syria President Al-Assad, saying that Israel and its supporters will certainly be punished for the attack on Iranian consulate in Damascus6 الشهر منذ
Iran President Raisi had a phone call with Syria President Al-Assad, saying that Israel and its supporters will certainly be punished for the attack on Iranian consulate in Damascus
6 الشهر منذ
The Pentagon now publicly saying the strikes yesterday in Syria that killed Iranian military officials was carried out by Israel