2 أكتوبر 2024
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A defense official tells there have been multiple attacks against US forces in Syria today that have resulted in multiple minor injuries. We're now at more than SIXTY attacks on US forces in Iraq & Syria in one month
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قوات الأسد تستهدف بالمدفعية الثقيلة محيط بلدة كنصفرة جنوب إدلب حلب_اليوم
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تركيا تعلن تحييد "المسؤول الأيديولوجي لوحدات حماية الشعب" خلال عملية استخباراتية في شمال سوريا
Syrian air defenses respond to Israeli strikes in the Damascus area a while ago10 الشهر منذ
Syrian air defenses respond to Israeli strikes in the Damascus area a while ago
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President of the International Court of Justice: The Assad government boycotted the sessions of the International Court of Justice in the case brought against it
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For the first time, an international court has looked into violations committed in Syria during 12 years of conflict - Reuters
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France has issued an arrest warrant for Syria’s President Al-Assad over the 2013 Chemical Attacks
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Two launches detected from Syria towards the Golan, they reportedly failed. Israeli army retaliating against the source of the fire
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Another multi-rocket attack targeted US forces at MSS Euphrates in Syria today; 1 came within ~0.5km of base. No casualties or damage, a defense official tells VOA
Initial report of rocket strike on Conico field, Syria
Syrian women inside a protest in the city of Suwayda, southern Syria. They demand the departure of the dictator Bashar al-Assad and his government
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Last night Al-Omar oil field base east of Deir ez-Zur has been targeted by Iranian militias located west of the Euphrates River
البيت الأبيض: إذا واصل وكلاء إيران استهداف القوات الأميركية فسوف نرد
البيت الأبيض: لا نسعى لمواجهة مع إيران لكن علينا إضعاف حرسها الثوري
Al-Nujaba militias enter Deir ez-Zur from Iraq and are deployed in the cities of Al-Mayadin and Al-Bukamal
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Iranian militias have targeted the Kharab Al-Jir military base in northern Syria (Al-Hasakah province) with a number of rockets
Overnight, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iran-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the Green Village, a US outpost in eastern Syria10 الشهر منذ
Overnight, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iran-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the Green Village, a US outpost in eastern Syria
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مصادر العربية: تعزيزات أميركية تتجه من قاعدة الرميلان بالحسكة إلى قاعدتي حقل العمر وكونيكو
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قوات الأسد تستهدف بالمدفعية الثقيلة محيط بلدة كفرنوران غرب حلب
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المرصد السوري: هجوم بطائرة مسيرة على قاعدة أميركية في الحسكة
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أوستن: الضربات الأميركية في شرق سوريا هدفها إضعاف الجماعات المسؤولة عن الهجمات ضد القوات الأميركية
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سوريا: مراسل الميادين: استهداف قاعدة الكونيكو الأميركية تم بصواريخ غراد المتطورة وأدى إلى مقتل 4 جنود
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Senior U.S. defense official tells: 6-7 Iranian proxy fighters were killed at one of the 2 locations struck by U.S. warplanes in E Syria tonight. IRGC HQ/safe house. 2 hours of secondary explosions seen at second location suggesting large weapons and ammo storage
Pentagon confirms new airstrikes vs ran IRGC facilities in eastern Syria   Per @SecDef Lloyd Austin US hit a training facility near AbuKamal & a safe house near Mayadin in response to continued attacks against US personnel in Iraq & Syria10 الشهر منذ
Pentagon confirms new airstrikes vs ran IRGC facilities in eastern Syria Per @SecDef Lloyd Austin US hit a training facility near AbuKamal & a safe house near Mayadin "in response to continued attacks against US personnel in Iraq & Syria"
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Explosions reported in Deir Ez Zor, Eastern Syria
@POTUS on death of 5 US servicemembers during a training accident in the Eastern Mediterranean
الجيش الإسرائيلي: طائرات إسرائيلية استهدفت بنى تحتية "إرهابية" في سوريا
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واشنطن تعلن سقوط طائرة عسكرية كانت في مهمة تدريبية في شرق البحر المتوسط
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قيادة القوات الأمريكية في أوروبا: لا مؤشرات على أن سقوط الطائرة العسكرية الأمريكية ناجم عن عمل عدائي
Deirezzor - Iranian militias are attacking Hawaij. Violent clashes are taking place right now. (Mortars and heavy machine gun fire). In Dhiban, Shuhail and Busayrah skirmishes and artillery exchanges are being reported