4 يوليو 2024
A nurse was killed, and a doctor and a driver sustained severe burns, all of them from the medical staff of Binnish City Hospital, following an attack by government forces with two targeted missile strikes on a civilian car on the Binnish-Tafasna road east of Idlib, today, Monday8 الشهر منذ
A nurse was killed, and a doctor and a driver sustained severe burns, all of them from the medical staff of Binnish City Hospital, following an attack by government forces with two targeted missile strikes on a civilian car on the Binnish-Tafasna road east of Idlib, today, Monday
Deir ez-Zur: SDF forces sent reinforcements to the towns of the eastern countryside of Deir ez-zor
Idlib: A medical vehicle was targeted near a Turkish military base in Taftanaz Airport, eastern countryside of Idlib, killing and wounding 3 people8 الشهر منذ
Idlib: A medical vehicle was targeted near a Turkish military base in Taftanaz Airport, eastern countryside of Idlib, killing and wounding 3 people
8 الشهر منذ
لحظة سقوط الصواريخ الإسرائيلية على تل الجموع العسكري بريف درعا الغربي التي تتمركز فيه الميليشيات الإيرانية إسرائيل سوريا
After the unknown airstrikes on Albukamal, another rocket attack on Al-Omar Oilfield, eastern Syria
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Significant explosions reported near Albukamal, Deir Ez Zor, Syria on the Iraq border
The Israeli army says it has identified several launches from Syria. The projectiles fell in open areas and the Israeli army is responding
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Russian air strikes targeting the vicinity of the village of "Kafr-Din" in the Idlib countryside
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Russian warplanes bombard with missiles the town of "Basanqul" in the Idlib countryside
The SDF announces the killing of 19 militants affiliated with the Pro-Assad forces in clashes that ensued after an attack by the militants on SDF-held areas in the eastern countryside of Deir ez-Zor Governorate, eastern Syria at Diban, Abu Hardoub and Abu Hamam
A U.S. military official tells @FoxNews that there was a drone attack today at al-Shaddadi base in Syria BUT there were NO casualties or damage to infrastructure, according to U.S. official
Iran-backed "Islamic Resistance in Iraq" announces targeting Shaddadi coalition base in Syria with 2 UAVs
Assad's forces and Russia bombard with heavy artillery the surroundings of the towns of Kansafra, Safuhan, and Kafr-Aweid in the southern countryside of Idlib, Syria8 الشهر منذ
Assad's forces and Russia bombard with heavy artillery the surroundings of the towns of Kansafra, Safuhan, and "Kafr-Aweid" in the southern countryside of Idlib, Syria
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Russian warplanes bombard with missiles the vicinity of the town of "Al-Ghassaniyah" in the western countryside of Idlib
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Russian air strikes target the "Douir al-Akrad" area, west of Hama
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Raqqa: An ISIS cell was busted in the city of Raqqa, during joint SDF-US operation. The Terror cell was working on transferring intelligence information
Overnight the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iranian-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the US base of al-Tanf, in southern Syria8 الشهر منذ
Overnight the Islamic Resistance in Iraq (a front for Iranian-backed militias) claimed it carried out an attack against the US base of al-Tanf, in southern Syria
بايدن: مستعدون لاتخاذ مزيد من الإجراءات بعد هجمات الجماعات المرتبطة بإيران ضد القوات الأميركية
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Russian air strikes targeting the Jabal al-Arbaeen area in the Idlib countryside
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Artillery shells were fired from South-West Daraa countryside (Yarmuk Basin) towards Golan
Two large explosions were heard in the vicinity of the Al-Omar oil field base, east of Deir ez-Zur
Initial report of rocket strike on Conico field, Deir Ez Zur
البيت الأبيض: واشنطن ليست مهتمة بالدخول في صراع مع إيران
كيربي: العمليات العسكرية الأميركية في سوريا والعراق هدفها منع الهجمات المستقبلية
8 الشهر منذ
إذاعة الجيش الإسرائيلي: صواريخ أطلقت من لبنان تجاه إسرائيل سقطت في أراض سورية
Iranian Tasnim News Agency reports that 10 missiles struck the US military base in the Al-Omar field in eastern Syria following U.S. threats to Iran
Protests continue in Suwayda Governorate, southern Syria. The demonstrators are demanding the overthrow of Assad and his government, freedom and democracy
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A US official tells the US is not looking into evacuating any bases in Iraq or Syria despite what rumors might be flying around
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طائرات سلاح الجو مجدداً باتجاه إدلب
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قوات الأسد تستهدف بالمدفعية الثقيلة بشكل مكثف قرية الفطيرة جنوب إدلب