2 أكتوبر 2024
الجيش الإسرائيلي: طائرات إسرائيلية استهدفت بنى تحتية "إرهابية" في سوريا
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واشنطن تعلن سقوط طائرة عسكرية كانت في مهمة تدريبية في شرق البحر المتوسط
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قيادة القوات الأمريكية في أوروبا: لا مؤشرات على أن سقوط الطائرة العسكرية الأمريكية ناجم عن عمل عدائي
Deirezzor - Iranian militias are attacking Hawaij. Violent clashes are taking place right now. (Mortars and heavy machine gun fire). In Dhiban, Shuhail and Busayrah skirmishes and artillery exchanges are being reported
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The Israeli army is striking Syrian territory after two launches were detected into the Golan. The rockets fell in open areas - Israeli army
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Israeli army says two rockets fired from Syria. Both landed in open areas
Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi met Syria President Bashar al-Assad today in Riyadh on the sideline of the ongoing summit10 الشهر منذ
Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi met Syria President Bashar al-Assad today in Riyadh on the sideline of the ongoing summit
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One-way drones targeted U.S. forces at Rumalyn Landing Zone in Syria this morning. 1 drone was shot down and the other did not detonate. No injuries or damage to infrastructure reported. This is the 6th attack since the U.S. air strikes in Syria Wednesday. 48th since Oct
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Russian air strikes target the "Arab Saeed" area in the Idlib countryside
Bashar al-Assad speaks at the Arab summit about the situation in Gaza10 الشهر منذ
Bashar al-Assad speaks at the Arab summit about the situation in Gaza
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad arrives in Saudi Arabia to attend an emergency Arab summit on the Gaza war
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East Syria: 5 pro-Assad fighters were killed and wounded tonight by a blast while they were transporting ammunition in Deir ez-Zur-city
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الجيش الأميركي: إسقاط طائرة مسيّرة فوق قاعدة "التنف" في سوريا قبل وصولها أهدافَها ولا إصابات
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Unknown blast took place in the city of Manbij, northern Syria, casualties reported
Russian air strikes target the town of Al-Fatira, south of Idlib, Syria10 الشهر منذ
Russian air strikes target the town of Al-Fatira, south of Idlib, Syria
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إصابة 3 مدنيين بقصف مدفعي لقوات الأسد على بلدة آفس شرق إدلب
الجيش الإسرائيلي يقول إنه نفذ قصفا في سوريا ردا على هجوم طائرة مسيرة على إيلات يوم الخميس
DOD drone footage shows strikes on the IRGC weapons storage building in Deir ez Zour city 24hrs ago. Pentagon says it caused zero casualties.10 الشهر منذ
DOD drone footage shows strikes on the IRGC weapons storage building in Deir ez Zour city 24hrs ago. Pentagon says it caused zero casualties.
East Syria: US airstrike in outskirts of Deir ez-Zur Airbase killed last night at least one Assad's soldier. This is a first since 2019. He was from E. Homs province10 الشهر منذ
East Syria: US airstrike in outskirts of Deir ez-Zur Airbase killed last night at least one Assad's soldier. This is a first since 2019. He was from E. Homs province
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US defense official now tells VOA there have been FORTY-SIX attacks on US forces in Iraq & Syria since 10/17. 4 of these happened AFTER the US strike overnight on IRGC weapons storage facility. 3 Americans were injured during the attack today at MSS Green Village
الرئيس الأمريكي: سنضرب أهداف الحرس الثوري الإيراني والجماعات التابعة له في سوريا مرة أخرى إذا اضطررنا لذلك
البيت الأبيض: الأنشطة العسكرية الأميركية في سوريا هدفها الردع
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Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the vicinity of the village of "Kansafra" and "Al-Fatira" in the countryside of Idlib
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Last night USAF bombed a facility in outskirts of Deir ez-Zur Airbase, retaliating to the drone/rocket attacks against US troops in Syria
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Syria accuses Israel of carrying out an airstrike against military sites in southern Syria late last night, causing damage
US F-15blast storage facility used by Iran's IRGC, Iranian-backed militias in eastern Syria   This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against US personnel in Iraq & Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates per @SecDef Lloyd Austin10 الشهر منذ
US F-15blast storage facility used by Iran's IRGC, Iranian-backed militias in eastern Syria "This precision self-defense strike is a response to a series of attacks against US personnel in Iraq & Syria by IRGC-Quds Force affiliates" per @SecDef Lloyd Austin
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nمصدر_عسكري: حوالي الساعة 50: 22 من مساء اليوم نفذ العـدو الإسرائيلي عدواناً جوياً من اتجاه بعلبك بلبنان مستهدفاً بعض النقاط العسكرية في المنطقة الجنوبية، ما أدى لوقوع بعض الخسائر المادية
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قصف إسرائيلي يستهدف منظومات  الدفاع الجوي والإنذار المبكر في تل قليب وتل المسيح في ريف السويداءبلدي :
صفحات محلية: سقوط صواريخ في القاعدة العسكرية الأمريكية في مدينة الشدادي بريف الحسكة
The Assad forces indiscriminately targeted the village of Mantaf in southern Idlib with artillery10 الشهر منذ
The Assad forces indiscriminately targeted the village of Mantaf in southern Idlib with artillery