2 أكتوبر 2024
منظمة التعاون الإسلامي: حريصون على إزالة كافة أسباب التوتر في اليمن وليبيا وسوريا
وزير_الخارجية_السعودي فيصل بن فرحان: أنتهز الفرصة للترحيب بمشاركة الجمهورية العربية السورية في أعمال اجتماع الجامعة العربية
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Russian Military Police conduct one-sided patrol without the Turkish forces in the eastern countryside of Kobani, northern Syria
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The death of a civilian as a result of his wounds sustained this afternoon in the shelling of the pro-Assad forces on the village of Kafr Aweed in the southern countryside of Idlib
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Only the withdrawal of US troops from the occupied territories of Syria will ensure the return of the population of the region to peaceful life, - Moscow and Damascus said in a statement.
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انطلاق اجتماع وزراء خارجية روسيا وسوريا وتركيا وإيران في موسكو
مجلس الوزراء السعودي يؤكد حرص المملكة على دعم كافة الجهود الرامية للتوصل إلى حل سياسي للأزمة السورية
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المفوضية الأوروبية: لن يكون هناك تطبيع للعلاقات مع النظام السوري دون حل سياسي وفق قرارات الأمم_المتحدة
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The Jordanian border guards thwarted two attempts to smuggle large quantities of drugs and weapons coming from the Assad-controlled areas in Syria
قوات سلطة الأسد تقصف بالمدفعية الثقيلة محيط قرية الزيارة في سهل الغاب بريف حماة الشمالي الغربي
Ahrar Houran Gathering: Warplanes  likely Jordanian launch air strikes on the purification plant in the western countryside of Daraa, which contains a drug production factory supervised by militias supported by Hezbollah1 سنة منذ
Ahrar Houran Gathering: Warplanes likely Jordanian launch air strikes on the purification plant in the western countryside of Daraa, which contains a drug production factory supervised by militias supported by Hezbollah
Arab foreign ministers met in Cairo and agreed to readmit Syria as a member state of the Arab League
مراسل "الشرق": انطلاق اجتماع تشاوري مغلق على مستوى وزراء الخارجية العرب بمقر الجامعة العربية
أ ف ب: اجتماعان لجامعة الدول العربية يوم الأحد المقبل على مستوى وزراء الخارجية بشأن سوريا والسودان
SANA claims Syrian air defenses engaged the Israeli airstrike over Aleppo. No immediate reports of injuries.
Few hours before Quartet meeting in Amman with Syrian FM, Jordanian forces thwarted an attempt by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle Captagon from Syria. 133,000 pills were seized1 سنة منذ
Few hours before Quartet meeting in Amman with Syrian FM, Jordanian forces thwarted an attempt by pro-Assad cartels to smuggle Captagon from Syria. 133,000 pills were seized
مراسلة سانا: وصول وزير التجارة في جمهورية العراق أثير الغريري والوفد المرافق له إلى مطار دمشق الدولي في إطار عقد اجتماعات الدورة الحادية عشرة للجنة المشتركة السورية العراقي
Iran’s new ambassador to Damascus says Iranian president Raisi will travel to Syria on Wednesday, May 3
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Syrian state media says the Israeli Air Force carried out airstrikes against sites near Homs last night, wounding three civilians and damaging fuel tankers and trucks
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Fire ablaze due to the airstrikes earlier this evening
Unverified video of Israeli airstrikes in Homs countryside. Syria1 سنة منذ
Unverified video of Israeli airstrikes in Homs countryside. Syria
As security unrest persists in Syria's Daraa, nine individuals, most of them are government soldiers, have been killed by unknown assailants within one week
TAF artillery units hit PKK positions east of Amude city in the north of Haseke
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أجرى أردوغان وبوتين مكالمة هاتفية
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German FM: We keep our focus on the conflict in Syria. The new EU sanctions package targets the trafficking of Captagon. The Pro-Assad forces profits massively from this drug. Perpetrators of the 2013 Tadamon massacre were also listed
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الشرق_ وزير الدفاع التركي: ناقشت مع وزراء دفاع سوريا وتركيا وإيران تعزيز الأمن في سوريا وتطبيع العلاقات بين أنقرة ودمشق
Quneitra: And, like previously, flyers are reportedly dropped in the area warning SAA soldiers of cooperating with Hezbollah1 سنة منذ
Quneitra: And, like previously, flyers are reportedly dropped in the area warning SAA soldiers of cooperating with Hezbollah
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Attacks on Hezbollah positions in Syria on the border with Israel were reported this night. Syrian sources claim Israeli tanks were active and the arrival of anti-tank missiles was recorded. Possible victims in Hezbollah and Syrian soldiers' ranks
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Israel has targeted the positions of the Syrian army and Iran-backed militants in the suburbs of Qunaitra in Syria's southwest, according to Syrian media reports.
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ارتفاع عدد ضحايا السوريين بسبب المعارك في السودان لـ 11 قتيلاً بحسب مواقع موالية