8 July 2024
Aleppo: The National Liberation Front confronts an attempt to infiltrate the Syrian Democratic Forces at night on the Burj Haidar axis in the Afrin countryside in the northern Aleppo countryside
A Turkish drone targets the city centre of Kobani: SOHR
1 year ago
New cases of "cholera" were recorded in northern Syria. and the "Civil Defense" warns of the outbreak of the epidemic
Syria: pro-Assad forces fired another ATGM today, destroying a bulldozer reinforcing W. Aleppo frontline (Blinta axis). Driver killed
Deir Ezzor Al-Busaira: The SDF and the International Coalition forces arrested Khaled Al-Hassan Al-Khalaf and four of his sons "Khalaf, Hassan, Fadi and Sheikh" in the airdrop operation, at dawn on Friday, in the village of Al-Kassar near the Al-Attal roundabout in Al-Baseera, east of Deir Ezzor.
3 people, including a child, were injured when a booby-trapped motorcycle exploded in the middle of Rajo Street in the city of Afrin, north of Aleppo
Civilians were injured as a result of a booby-trapped motorcycle explosion in the city of Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo
Turkish warplanes target the positions of the Syrian Democratic Forces "SDF" in the town of Mara'anaz in the northern countryside of Aleppo.
Artillery shelling targets the city of Darat Izza in the western countryside of Aleppo
1 year ago
Assad's militia kills a civilian with artillery shelling on the village of Kafr Amma in the western countryside of Aleppo
Sources close to HTS and local sources denied the allegations that there was a coup attempt (against Jolani) in Idlib
Turkish artillery units hit PKK positions in the north of Manbij
WHO: Controlling the cholera epicenter in Syria is not the responsibility of the Ministry of Health alone, but of all international agencies
1 year ago
Sources close to SDF told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed that clashes erupted between the SDF-affiliated Asayish and ISIS cells in the village of Al-Qayrawan in the Tel Hamis district in the Hasaka countryside, adding that the clashes led to deaths and injuries on both sides. Here are the details
1 year ago
There is no plan for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria's Idlib governorate and Aleppo countryside, a Turkish military source told a meeting of opposition factions in northwestern Syria
AANES Health Board: NE_Syria's regions recorded 15 confirmed cases of cholera
Syria: Rebels targeted today with an ATGM a group of Assad's forces on Malajah front (S. Idlib). At least one was killed & 2 wounded
Aleppo correspondent today: Civilians, including children, were injured as a result of targeting a bus with an explosive device on the road between the towns of "Al-Yadouda - Al-Muzayrib" in the western countryside of Daraa
The National Army announces the killing of two of its members while responding to an attack by the SDF militia on the Al-Jatal axis in the Jarabulus countryside, east of Aleppo1 year ago
The "National Army" announces the killing of two of its members while responding to an attack by the SDF militia on the "Al-Jatal" axis in the Jarabulus countryside, east of Aleppo
Rocket shelling targeting residential neighborhoods in the city of Afrin in the northern countryside of Aleppo
1 year ago
Military factions target with artillery shells the positions of the government forces on the "46th regiment" axis, west of Aleppo
The killing of the young man "Adnan Jamil Al-Buraqi" and the injury of the young man "Jamil Al-Barhoumi" as a result of being targeted by unidentified gunfire in the town of Al-Muzayrib, west of Daraa.
Last Friday 5 members of SDF/YPG were killed in a Turkish drone strike in Ain Issa
Kuwait Rahme civilian camp in Afrin was shelled. There are people injured
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Ranking Member, Sen. Jim Risch, R-Idaho: .@FIFAWorldCup's proposal to rebuild sports arenas & host soccer games in Syria is likely a clear violation of the CaesarAct. It's shameful FIFA would seek to rehabilitate the Assad government. The int'l community should instead focus on accountability for Assad's atrocities
1 year ago
Moscow supports the idea of ​​organizing a meeting between the Foreign Ministers of Turkey and Syria, and is ready to provide its platform if necessary, says Russian Foreign Ministry. — Ria Novosti
A suspect was shot by Israeli army troops after approaching the Syrian border in the central Golan Heights, taken to the Ziv hospital in Safed in moderate condition
U.S. forces in Syria investigating 'failed' rocket attack targeting American base at Green Village Sunday night. Three 107mm rockets fired at base. A fourth rocket along with rocket tubes found 3 miles away: CENTCOM
Syria: Turkish MoD released video of heavy airstrikes on positions used to strike TSK border post E. of AinArab/Kobane (one Turkish soldier killed). Same tactics used to bomb Afrin or Al-Bab: MLRS fired from territory jointly held by SDF/YPG & SAA1 year ago
Syria: Turkish MoD released video of heavy airstrikes on positions used to strike TSK border post E. of AinArab/Kobane (one Turkish soldier killed). Same tactics used to bomb Afrin or Al-Bab: MLRS fired from territory jointly held by SDF/YPG & SAA
1 year ago
According to the Şanlıurfa governor's statement, a soldier was killed and another soldier was wounded in the attack carried out on the TSK border post from the joint point of the Assad government and the PKK/YPG. The government does not have the strength to fight the YPG, although it has the strength, it has no intention. It shouldn't be hard to understand