5 أكتوبر 2024
5 civilians were injured, including 4 from one family: a man, his wife, & two children, by a guided-missile attack, fired by Syrian Democratic forces on the bank of the Euphrates River near Jarablus city east of Aleppo. One of the injured kids is in critical condition
A Turkish drone attack targeted a car in Jawhariyah, on the Amude-Darbasiyah road. At least 1 was injured & transported to Amude hospital.  Reportedly, the car was stationed in front of the local offices of HPC, a civilian neighborhood defence force2 سنة منذ
A Turkish drone attack targeted a car in Jawhariyah, on the Amude-Darbasiyah road. At least 1 was injured & transported to Amude hospital. Reportedly, the car was stationed in front of the local offices of HPC, a civilian neighborhood defence force
2 سنة منذ
المُحَرَّر : : الجبهة_الوطنية للتحرير تستهدف بقذائف المدفعية الثقيلة مواقع قوات الأسد بريف حلب الغربي وتحقق إصابات ة وذلك رداً على ارتكابهم مجزرة بحق المدنيين في بلدة معارة_النعسان بريف إدلب الشمالي.
المُحَرَّر : : إصابة عدد من المدنيين بقصف مدفعي مصدره ميليشيا قسد استهدف أطراف نهر الفرات بمدينة جرابلس شرقي حلب ---- تيليجرام:
2 سنة منذ
A tribal Sheikh was wounded by unknown attackers in the city of Syria's Tabqa
2 سنة منذ
خمسة شهداء ثلاثة اطفال وامرأتين جراء قصف مدفعي من قبل القوات الاسد استهدف قرية معارة النعسان بريف ادلب الشمالي الشرقي
The government forces wounded an individual after shooting him on a checkpoint in Syria's southern governorate of Suwayda
In the new edition of al-Naba, ISIS claimed 42 ops in Hasakah, Deir ez-Zur & Raqqa, saying its fighters killed or wounded 115 enemies, per @siteintelgroup
A week after the operation to kill Qurayshi and drones again are operating in force on the Turkish border. A mix of TB-2s and MQ-9s
حريق صباح اليوم الجمعة في الفيز الخامس داخل مخيم الهول بريف الحسكة .  حسب  أقتصرت الأضرار على الماديات ولم يتضرر أحد.2 سنة منذ
حريق صباح اليوم الجمعة في الفيز الخامس داخل مخيم الهول بريف الحسكة . حسب أقتصرت الأضرار على الماديات ولم يتضرر أحد.
تحليق للطيران المروحي التابع للتحالف الدولي على ارتفاع منخفض في بلدة غرانيج شرقي ديرالزور .
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RFF204 out from Latakia Air Base Syria flag-ruflag-ru Russian Navy Tu154 RA85855
It seems there is a ongoing Turkish operation in Syria2 سنة منذ
It seems there is a ongoing Turkish operation in Syria
2 سنة منذ
NorthIraq: A group of PKK militants and at least 8 Syrian tunnel workers were killed in the air operation carried out by TAF warplanes in the Sinjar region as part of Operation Winter Eagle. -Iraq Resources
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الخارجية الروسية: ضربات إسرائيل على أهداف في داخل سوريا مصدر قلق بالغ وانتهاك صارخ للسيادة السورية
Clashes in between Atma and Deir Balut between HTS and IDPs after HTS stopped a fuel smuggler and killed her. Causing popular anger against them2 سنة منذ
Clashes in between Atma and Deir Balut between HTS and IDPs after HTS stopped a fuel smuggler and killed her. Causing popular anger against them
2 سنة منذ
Iraqi National Security: Having large numbers of militants in SDF prisons in NE_Syria is a continuing and permanent threat in light of the poor capabilities
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مستشار الأمن القومي العراقي لسفير الاتحاد الأوروبي: يجب سحب رعاياكم من مخيم الهول
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Dozens of IDPs are attacking an HTS checkpoint in Atmeh north of Syria's Idlib on background of killing a woman
US navy P8 Poseidon AE67FE patrolling off the coast of Syria2 سنة منذ
US navy P8 Poseidon AE67FE patrolling off the coast of #Syria
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Russian-made Syrian air defense systems destroyed eight missiles fired by Israeli fighters last night, - the Russian Defense Ministry said
ISIS has claimed responsibility for an attack on an SDF post in the town of Diban in Syria's eastern Deir al-Zour Province, allegedly wounding 2
The first Turkish armed drone attack has hit a civilian car. A 11-year-old child named Mihemed Ali Kelah was killed while the civilians Mahir Isa Kelah (13), Omer Xanim (40) and Ela Cedu Ehmed (25) were wounded (ANHA)
2 سنة منذ
Reports that Turkish armed drones have hit another vehicle near the village Xerzi/Amûdê on the way to Dirbespiye
Turkish armed drones have targeted a vehicle near the village Buheyra on the road between Amûdê and Dirbespiye
Possible strike location in the SSRC compound in Jamraya (33.575901, 36.223747) from last nights reported airstrikes in Damascus, Syria
Russian aircraft targeted an ISIS member in the town of Dhablan, east of Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria
Rare incident of the SAA shelling TFSA territory at al Bab as the Abu al Zandin crossing was hit by artillery. Direct hit against a TFSA technical, killing one fighter and badly wounding three others
As suspected last night the S-200 site at Ad Dumayr was the launch site and targeted by the IAF, at least 2, possibly 3 impacts, but need some higher resolution for that2 سنة منذ
As suspected last night the S-200 site at Ad Dumayr was the launch site and targeted by the IAF, at least 2, possibly 3 impacts, but need some higher resolution for that
أصيبت امرأة من قرية عرب حسن بجروح نقلت على إثرها إلى مشافي منبج جراء استهداف قريتها بأربعة قذائف هاون وقعت على أحد البيوت، وفق ما أعلن مجلس منبج العسكري2 سنة منذ
أصيبت امرأة من قرية "عرب حسن" بجروح نقلت على إثرها إلى مشافي منبج جراء استهداف قريتها بأربعة قذائف هاون وقعت على أحد البيوت، وفق ما أعلن مجلس منبج العسكري