20 نيسان 2023
2 years ago
واشنطن بوست: وضعت أوكرانيا خططا لفتح جبهة جديدة في سوريا ومهاجمة القوات الروسية بمساعدة قوات سوريا الديمقراطية التي طلبت الدفاع الجوي والتدريب وعدم الكشف عن هويتها ، بحسب وثائق مسربة. تم تأجيل الخطة في ديسمبر
2 years ago
Syria: last night Israel reportedly bombed with artillery a SAA position near the border fence (Hanout in S. Quneitra province). Few hours later Israel dropped leaflets saying SAA is paying the price for its collaboration with Hezbollah
2 years ago
Israeli army says a Skylark drone crashed in Syria overnight due to a technical fault
2 years ago
The Saudi foreign minister visits Syria for the first time since the war began in 2011. Last week the Syrian foreign minister visited Saudi Arabia and both agreed to end Syria's international isolation.
2 years ago
Israeli cabinet will engage in intelligence and operational reviews of the northern arena - Syria and Lebanon, according to a senior Israeli official. The political and security cabinet will meet this afternoon
2 years ago
US Central Command forces killed Abd-al-Hadi Mahmud al-Haji Ali, a senior ISIS Syria leader and operational planner responsible for planning terror attacks in the Middle East and Europe
2 years ago
اشتباكات بين الجيش الوطني السوري وقوات سلطة الأسد على جبهة تادف بريف حلب الشرقي
2 years ago
وزير خارجية سلطة الأسد فيصل المقداد يصل إلى الجزائر في زيارة رسمية
2 years ago
Turkish Drone Strike in Qamishli city, near Nusaybin Border crossing
2 years ago
NOTAM's issued for Israeli airspace along Gaza, Lebanon and Syrian borders 6km out in anticipation of International Quds Day tomorrow
2 years ago
The Asayish found the body of a young man shot dead in western Deir_ez_Zor, eastern Syria, amid an increase in killing cases in ambiguous circumstances
2 years ago
الخارجية الأميركية تعلن عن مكأفاة قدرها 5 ملايين دولار لمن يعطي معلومات أو يحدد مكان قائد جماعة "حراس الدين" المرتبطة بتنظيم القاعدة في سوريا
2 years ago
أمانة مجلس التعاون الخليجي تدعو لاجتماع لبحث إمكانية عودة سوريا للجامعة العربية
2 years ago
Reports of a rocket attack on the US base in the Conico gas field in eastern Syria, as well as retaliatory airstrikes by US jets on Iranian-linked militia positions
2 years ago
Syrian army's 4th armored division sends reinforcements & weapons to Israel border, @N12News reports citing Syrian sources
2 years ago
تحليق طيران مسير في سماء العاصمة دمشق وسماع صوت انفجار قرب حي الميدانnسوريا
2 years ago
The Israeli army: The Syrian regime is responsible for everything that happens on its territory
2 years ago
IDF says it is carrying out artillery strikes in southern Syria, from where six rockets were launched at the Golan Heights
2 years ago
IDF says 3 rockets fired from Syria. One intercepted, one landed in open area, one fell short In Syria.
2 years ago
التقى وزيرا خارجية تركيا وروسيا في أنقرة
2 years ago
Here is a CENTCOM statement on this week's repatriation of residents from the al-Hol and al Roj camps for internally displaced persons in Northeast Syria
2 years ago
IED most likely belongs to ISIS explodes in a car carrying Iranian-backed militiamen in the eastern countryside of Homs, central Syria, killing five and injuring three
2 years ago
Tunisian president Kais Saied instructs his foreign minister to appoint a new ambassador to Damascus, filling an eleven-year vacancy.
2 years ago
قوات النظام تقصف بالمدفعية بلدة الفطيرة في جبل الزاوية جنوب إدلب سوريا
2 years ago
Meeting underway in Moscow between the deputy foreign ministers of Russia, Syria, Iran, and Turkey, marking the highest level of talks between the four countries on the Syrian conflict
2 years ago
ISIS Senior leader killed by US forces in Syria
2 years ago
مصدر عسكري : في تمام الساعة ٠٠:١٥ من فجر اليوم نفذ العدو الإسرائيلي عدوانا جويا برشقات  من الصواريخ  من اتجاه الجولان السوري المحتل مستهدفا بعض النقاط في محيط دمشق والمنطقة الجنوبية ، وقد تصدت وسائط دفاعنا الجوي لصواريخ العدوان وأسقطت معظمها ،
2 years ago
Israeli raid resulted in the death of two civilians and some material losses
2 years ago
Syrian media: Israeli missiles targeted southeast of the capital and Damascus International Airport
2 years ago
Pro-Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the outskirts of Banin village in rural Idlib