7 يوليو 2024
1 الأسبوع منذ
مراسل حلب اليوم: القواعد العسكرية التركية في منطقة عفرين تستهدف مواقع لـ"قسد" في منطقة تل رفعت شمال حلب
Erdogan says there is no obstacle for establishing relations with Syria’s Assad. “Turkey doesn’t have any intention to interfere with Syria’s domestic affairs,” he said. “We can come together with Assad as we did in the past as a family”1 الأسبوع منذ
Erdogan says there is no obstacle for establishing relations with Syria’s Assad. “Turkey doesn’t have any intention to interfere with Syria’s domestic affairs,” he said. “We can come together with Assad as we did in the past as a family”
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Pro-Assad forces indiscriminately targeted the town of Marat al-Naasan in eastern Idlib with heavy artillery
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قصف مدفعي للنظام يستهدف أطراف بلدة بينين جنوبي إدلب.(مراسل راديو وتلفزيون الكل) إدلب سوريا
Syria: at 11:40PM Israel carried out airstrikes on area of S. Zeinab (SEastern Damascus).A Foundation (Jihad Al-Bina) under Hezbollah control was bombed.2 were killed: a Syrian Hezbollah fighter from Nubul-Zahraa & a woman.A radar was also destroyed in Suwayda province1 الأسبوع منذ
Syria: at 11:40PM Israel carried out airstrikes on area of S. Zeinab (SEastern Damascus).A Foundation ("Jihad Al-Bina") under Hezbollah control was bombed.2 were killed: a Syrian Hezbollah fighter from Nubul-Zahraa & a woman.A radar was also destroyed in Suwayda province
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UAE Foreign Minister met Syrian Foreign Minister, discussed strengthening bilateral relations: WAM
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Unidentified gunmen kill two intelligence members of the Pro-Assad forces and a civilian, in two separate attacks, in Daraa Governorate, southern Syria
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مصدر عسكري حوالي الساعة 23:40 يوم 26/6 شن العدو الإسرائيلي عدواناً جوياً من اتجاه الجولان السوري المحتل مستهدفاً عدداًمن النقاط في المنطقة الجنوبيةوقد تصدت وسائط دفاعنا الجوي لصواريخ العدوان وأسقطت بعضهاوأدى العدوان إلى استشهاد شخصين وإصابة عسكري بجروح ووقوع بعض الخسائر المادية
1 الأسبوع منذ
Explosions and Air Defense Activity reported over the Syrian Capital of Damascus
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Druze Officials found a deal with Damascus to end crisis in Suwayda. The checkpoint, source of the clashes, will be turned into a military position.Compromise for both parties: no backtrack by SAA & no controls & inspections as originally planned (refused by the residents)
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Turkish Ministry of National Defense announced that 7 PKK/YPG militants detected in the Euphrates Shield region in northern Syria were neutralized.
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الجيش الأردني: أحبطناعملية تسلل وتهريب مخدرات من سوريا
1 الأسبوع منذ
القواعد التركية تستهدف بالمدفعية الثقيلة مواقع لقسد في مرعناز بريف حلب الشمالي منتصف الليل
1 الأسبوع منذ
اقتربت الطائرة بدون طيار MQ-9 Reaper التابعة للتحالف الأمريكي بشكل خطير من طائرة Su-34 التابعة للقوات الجوية الروسية في سوريا، - نائب رئيس المركز الروسي للمصالحة بين الأطراف المتحاربة، اللواء يوري بوبوف
1 الأسبوع منذ
قوات النظام تقصف بالمدفعية الثقيلة بلدتي كفر_عمة و تقاد غربي حلب .(مراسل راديو وتلفزيون الكل) حلب سوريا
1 الأسبوع منذ
Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in Kalota village in the south of Afrin with artillery fire.
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Assad forces bombard with heavy artillery the village of Kafr-Aweid in the Idlib countryside, Syria
1 الأسبوع منذ
مراسل حلب اليوم: قوات الأسد تستهدف بالمدفعية الثقيلة محيط قريتي زيزون والسرمانية في سهل الغاب غربي حماة
1 الأسبوع منذ
المرصد السوري: انفجار عنيف عند أطراف مدينة البعث عند الحدود مع الجولان
1 الأسبوع منذ
مراسل التلفزيون العربي: غارات إسرائيلية تستهدف أطراف مدينة البعث في محافظة القنيطرة جنوبي سوريا
Assad forces target with two FPV drones a civilian car and a house in the town of Majdalia near Jabal al-Arbaeen, south of Idlib, Syria1 الأسبوع منذ
Assad forces target with two FPV drones a civilian car and a house in the town of Majdalia near Jabal al-Arbaeen, south of Idlib, Syria
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Turkish Armed Forces sent reinforcements to the Jabal Zawiye region in southern Idlib
2 الأسبوع منذ
During the night, the Syrian-Iraqi border area in Abu Kemal was targeted by an airstrike, according to several reports
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Assad's forces bombard with heavy artillery the village of Kafr-Amah in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria
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Assad's forces and Russia bombard with heavy artillery of the village of Kafr-Ta'al in the countryside of Aleppo, Syria
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Turkish Armed Forces dispatched signal jamming systems to Idlib to prevent kamikaze drone attacks by the Assad government and Iranian militias.
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Turkish Armed Forces hit the YPG positions in the village of Semuka on the Tel Rifat line with artillery fire.
Strong explosion on Syrian border as an Iraqi ammo depot blew up. It happened in Um Al-Jiban, W. of Sinjar, few km from Syria2 الأسبوع منذ
Strong explosion on Syrian border as an Iraqi ammo depot blew up. It happened in Um Al-Jiban, W. of Sinjar, few km from Syria
2 الأسبوع منذ
"الجيش الأردني" يُسقط طائرة مسيّرة محمّلة بمواد مخدرة مصدرها سوريا
2 الأسبوع منذ
U.S. Central Command Airstrike in Syria Kills Senior ISIS Official. On June 16, U.S. Central Command conducted an airstrike in Syria, killing Usamah Jamal Muhammad Ibrahim al-Janabi, a senior ISIS official and facilitator. His death will disrupt ISIS’s ability to resource and conduct terror attacks